Senate parietals resolution passes with unanimous vote

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1 ..'. - - ~ ' (,, Beckett's 'Kapp' - page 8 VOL. XX, NO. 20 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1986 Pipe down an independent student newspape se"ing Note Dame and Saint May's The Obseve/Joe Vitacco Matt King commandees the cockpit of the Holtkamp pactice ogan. He uses a computeized sheet of music as he types away on the many keys of the instument. Senate paietals esolution passes with unanimous vote By DAVD T. LEE News Staff The Student Senate enacted a unanimous esolution last night extending dom visitation hous and elaxing penalties fo paietals violations. While admitting the seious natue of a paietals violation, the esolution aims to "make it less likely fo the fist-time violato to be suspended," said Senato Bian Holst. Specifically, it states that only "epeated violations" of paietals can "esult in suspension o dismissal." The esolution, howeve, sanctions a sevee penalty fo "an individual who aleady has a poo ecod o who disegads the egulations concening paietals." "This still allows them (the Univesity) to give the ultimate penalty," said Senato John Gadine. "They have to uphold an image," said Judicial Coodinato Maia Cinton. "Sometimes they (the Univesity) do things just to make a point." The esolution also pushed back moning visitation hous to 10 a.m. and evening hous on Sunday to 12:30 p.m. The latte change is being ecommended because many doms have mass at late hous on Sunday. "t is up to the individual hall to set the egulations," said Holst. At the moment evey hall has adopted the most stingent paametes fo visitation hous, he said. The Senate also passed a esolution to "potest the tem 'tenant' in egads to student govenment class govenment and the S.A. B." when applying fo office space in Lafotune Student Cente. The esolution was unanimous. t states that "if the Lafotune Student Cente is tuly fo students, then Student Govenment... must have pemanent office space in the Cente." n othe business, Senato John Gadine has oganized anothe foum to discuss students' dghts at off-campus paties, specifically focusing on the legality of using beathylyzes. The meeting will be tomoow at 7:30 p.m. in the Libay Auditoium. Geneva talks could 'beak the ice' fo Soviets and U.S., Reagan says Associated Pess UNTED NATONS, N.Y. Pesident Reagan told the U.N. Geneal Assembly yesteday "the ice of the negotiating stalemate could beak" duing the cuent ound of Geneva ams talks with the Soviet Union. Although Reagan said "a pall has been cast" ove U.S.-Soviet elations by the Nicholas Daniloff affai, he did not suggest the case would stand in the way of pogess towad educing both medium- and long-ange nuclea weapons. Refeing to the FB's aest in August of a Soviet employee of the United Nations accused of spying fo the Kemlin, Reagan said, "Misusing the United Na- lions fo puposes of espionage does a gave dissevice to this oganization. The wold expects bette." Reagan's speech used sten wods to citicize the Soviets, not saeli toops poised by Lebanon Associated Pess Mt:TU.LA, sael - Hundeds of saeli toops massed on the eady along the nothen bode yesteday, and an official said they would move into south Lebanon if needed to aid an saeli-backed militia unde attc~c;k fom Shiite Moslem gueillas. Residents of this tiny bode town said they had not seen such a concentation of toops at the fontie since sael pulled the bulk of its foces fom Lebanon in June The official denied such action enectecl a policy chang<2. He said any opeation would be aimed at "showing the Shiites on the finges of the secuity belt that it doesn't pay to give shelte and suppot to Hezbollah." (Telephoned epots to lkiut. the capital of Lebanon, said yesteday that seal closed all access to its self-designated "secuity zone" in south Lebanon amid epots that the saeli amy was moving einfocements fo a cackdown on Shiite gueillas. (The epots fom the southen pot city of Tye and the Bekaa Valley' town of Hasbaya in the foothills of Mount Heni1on said the aea was closed to civilian taffic and declaed off-limits fo epotes fom sael and Lebanon alike.) sael has blamed Hezbollal1, an anian-backed, Shiite extemist oganization, fo attacks which killed five United Nations peacekeepes and at least 2 saeli-allied Lebanese militiamen in the past six weeks. Maj. Dag Leaand, a spokesman fo U.N. peacekeepes in south Lebanon, told epotes sael has been binging moe equipment, including atilley, into south Lebanon since Thusday. He said the U.N. headquates had eceived epots of an saeli toop buildup. saeli amy officials, who declined to be identified, said all tous fo jounalists into south Lebanon wee canceled as of yesteday until futhe notice. Defense Ministe Yitzhak Rabin has said sael would not allow the 1,000-stong South Lebanon Amy to cumble in the face of the gueilla onslaught. He said sael would back up the pedominantly Chistian foce with helicopte gunships, tanks and atilley. An saeli office said anian Revolutionay Guads have joined the Shiite offensive against the U.N. and the South Lebanon Amy. only fo thei teatment of Daniloff, an Ameican jounalist aested in Moscow, but also fo thei teatment of civilians in Soviet-occupied Afghanistan and thei insistence on suppoting Maxist-Leninist insuections aound the wold. Soviet Foeign Ministe Eduad A. Shevadnadze listened to Reagan's addess, making notes without signaling any emotion, and sat quietly as epesentatives of othe nations applauded as Reagan finished speaking. An administation official, biefing epotes about the speech on condition he not be identified, said that afte Reagan eceived a lette Fiday fom Soviet leade Mikhail S. Gobachev, he asked that the speech be eviewed to "make sue the tone was not nasty." But Reagan cited Daniloff's aest and his subsequent confinement to Moscow on spy chages as "a paticulaly distubing example of Soviet tansgessions against human ights. The Soviet Union beas the esponsibility fo the consequences of its action." The pesident gave no clue as to what those consequences might be. Late, as he was going into a meeting hee with foeign ministes of U.S. allies, Reagan told epotes, '''m not going to comment now. Eveything's too delicate." On ams contol howeve, Reagan's tone was unusually conciliatoy. He said the Soviets, while unwilling to accept U.S. poposals fo a 50 pecent cut in intecontinental missiles, bombes and submaines, have "now embaced ou idea of adical eductions in offensive systems." see REAGAN, page 3 United Limo bomb scae disupts South Bend un By ERC M. BERGAMO Staff Repote A bomb theat diected at a United Limo bus last Fiday aftenoon is still unde investigation by aea police, accoding to Assistant Secuity Diecto Phillip Johnson.. The anonymous bomb theat was eceived by United Limo while the bus was enoute fom Elkhat to South Bend. United Limo then contacted South Bend and St. Joseph County police. Note Dame Secuity was contacted at 5:50 p.m. United Limo busses fequently shuttle Note Dame and Saint May's students between the Note Oame cicle and Chicago's O'Hae aipot. Units of Note Dame Secuity, South Bend police, Roseland police and tile Note Dame fie depatment wee pesent when the bus aived at the main cicle bus stop. The passenges wee taken off the bus and taken to a safe distance away fom the bus. The baggage was unloaded and the passenges claimed thei luggage in an effot to see if anything suspicious was on the bus. The police and the dive of the bus then seached the inteio of the bus fo any explosives. No explosives wee found in the seach.

2 ~--- #--~ n Bief Astik Gabiel. pofesso emeitus in Note Dame's Medieval nstitute, epesented the Medieval Academy of Ameica at the ecent 12th Anglo-Ameican Confeence of Histoians in London. Gabiel. who epesents the United States in the ntenational Commission fo the Histoy of Univesities, pesided at a session on "Did Univesities 'Tain' Leaned Physicians?" The London Confeence celebated the 50th annivesay of the Univesity of London. - The Obseve Nothwesten Univesity is withdawing fom a State Depatment-sponsoed anti-teoist taining pogam, following allegations that some of its paticipants wee Salvadoan National Guadsmen implicated in human-ights abuses and mude. Nothwesten's pesident says the pogam had become politicized and "we wee concened that (this) eally distots ou basic mission, which is academics." The Obseve Of nteest Flu shots will be given at the Student Health Cente today fom 10:30 a.m. to 5:30p.m. -The Obseve A bown bag semina entitled "Chile, Thiteen Yeas Afte" will take place today at noon in 131 Decio. Speaking will be Alejando Foxley, a Chilean native and Note Dame's Kellogg Pofesso in ntenational Development. Foxley will speak on the thiteenth annivesay of Geneal Augusto Pinochet's militay coup ovethowing the govenment of Salvado Allende. The Obseve An oientation sessiov'slide show on Note Dame's Summe Pogam in Tianjin, China will be given by Note Dame Histoy Pofesso Dian Muay tonight at 6:30 in O'Shaughnessy's Satellite Room. - The Obseve A mandatoy meeting fo all those inteested in the CLA tip to Appalachia will be held tonight at 7 in the multi-pupose oom of the Cente fo Social Concens. - The Obseve Obseve Of nteests and n Biefs can be submitted to the Day Edito at the Obseve office on the thid floo of Lafotune Student Cente until p.m. pio to the date of publication. Of nteests announce fee campus-wide events of geneal inteest. The Obseve eseves the ight to edit all Of nteests. - The Obseve Weathe Tempeatues will scoe in in the high ZO's today but much of the effot will be clouded ove by the elentless attack of thundestoms. Tonight temps will dop off to the mid 60's but only to make anothe un into the 70's tomoow. -Associated Pess Tuesday, Septembe 23, page 2 Decision against calling apists 'mentally ill' a esponsible one The vey idea of some acts poduces an immediate and iepessible feeling of wongness. Fom ou guts, the wod WRONG sceams out at thei mention. Rape is such an act. t tuns stomachs. Not eveything wong falls in this categoy. Mude doesn't. Although unaguably wong. mude doesn't geneate the same feeling. Witness the thousands of people teminated yealy on the silve sceen. That's entetainment. One can ague we've got some kind of fascination with it. Rape doesn't wok well in movies o TV. Even when the TV docudama about convicted apist Ted Bundy was aied, he was neve actually shown doing it. Afte oughing up his victims a bit. the scene faded out. But in hoo and wa movies, thee's a contest unning fo who can delive the goiest end to a human life. Thee ae no apists on the sceen like Rambo, whose numbe of kills we count off jokingly. Rape is too sick a wong. So it's no supise that the Ameican Psychiatic Association ecently dopped its poposal to classify apist behavio as a mental illness in the face of potests by feminists and victims' ights goups. Appaently, the psychiatists who poposed to label ape a "paaphilic coecive disode" fogot a few things. They fogot the thought of a suspected apist using an insanity plea would dive a good numbe of Ameicans insane. They fogot about the millions of tuning stomachs. The eseaches' APA colleagues had bette memoies. They squelched the classification ostensibly "because of the peliminay natue of the data," accoding to the APA's pesident. But the potesting goups, along with many posecuting attoneys. claimed public pessue foced the decision. Whateve the eason behind the APA's decision, most of us pobably feel vaguely elieved. Finally some good news in a newspape always binging bad news. But good news often hides the bewin~ of big ge toubles unde the suface. Although public outcy has pevented apists fom claiming insanity, the couts still accept insanity pleas in mude cases by public mandate. f sufficient public outage wee expessed, the couts would alte o halt thei use. Couts ae not total ivoy towes. Unwilling to sacifice all public espect fo the judiciay, judges listen when the public speaks. FAMOUS LAST WORDS FROM 'RENDS TO FRENDS. "Af'.'filii OKlo il i!" "Whats o ti l(' h,..,!" ' neve dink and dive... just mash on Geen Field' "/lili11k yo((' e ilwl w too 11111/l.'f... "}(( kiddi11, m11 dit t ll'ifil 111!/'!Jf'o' cilmed." "}(ll('t e had lou lllltt il to di11k, let 111e dive." "Nob1K1J dt im' '''!! mfmf tile." They'e hot, they'e insatiable... t's the Nusey School Gils... Cliff Stevens Assistant News Edito.'m not condemning the lack of such outage. 'm aiming to illustate the ambivalence we have towad human behavio eseach. We'e confused. We believe in pesonal esponsibility fo ou actions. Taught by ou paents, education and eligion, esponsibility fo O!le's actions is assumed. Simultaneously, we accept human behavio sciences such as psychology and social ogy. Both ae espectable couses taught in classooms acoss the nation. But science is always seaching fo the causes of phenomena, in this case, the causes of human behavio. Such causes inevitably emove esponsibility fom the individual. People ae thus no longe at fault; social o genetic factos compel thei action. Yet we have deep misgivings. How can society wok if nobody is to blame fo anything? Ous is a wold based on both science and esponsibility. Which will eceive ou full committment if they become inceasingly at odds? The Obseve Design Edito.... Andy Saal Design Assistant.... Chis Donnelly Layout Staff.... Kathleen Moan Typesettes.... Chuck Papandea News Edito... May Heilmann Copy Edito... Bud Luepke Spots Copy Edito.... Pete Gegen Accent Copy Edito... Gutie Wimme Accent Layout... Caey Gels Typist... ColleenFoy ND Day Edito.... David Lee Photogaphe... Joe Vitacco The- ()~ve- ( 1 ""i->' ~':>Y ~ 1000 '' puhh.. hnl \1oth.1.n hough l nda~ t..\4.:p dunnj< t"x.lmotnd \Of.c. aum (lt'uu.h lbe-o~ve- '' puhlt,hn..j h\ tht 'lmklll,,,, lht. l nl\t'"t~ ut :\ioue Dame.and ~ami \1an.., (.ullq(t' '\uh'<.-"tpllon' m.n ht puch:.~~ d to S '\CJ pt ~:<t ( 1.!0 ~ ~mt"... lt" 1 h~ \\oto)( Th~ O~n~. P < l Box t} 'on l>.mu lu...h.m.t thti~() Th Obseve-'"" a memlle ol Th~ A.'"-K"lald P~!'ll.. o\11 n tt(ht'.tt f('!"'lt'"\'t".j DRNKNG AND DRVNG CAN KLL A FRENDSHR U.S. Oepo1ment of TanipotOOl 1!1 Please suppot the AMERCAN YCANCER!'SOCETY~ ThiS space conlit.u,ild as a public sevice

3 The Obseve Top militay officials involved in Note Dame's Amy ROTC pogam pose with-the Univesity's pesident. The figues ae, fom left to ight, Colonel Sylveste, Majo Geneal Wagne, fathe Hesbugh, Monsigno Sampson and Lieutenant Colonel Hemphill. Announcement of new ADS dug pompts thousands of hotline calls Tuesday, Septembe 23, page 3 35-nation confeence adopts secuity pact Associated Pess STOCKHOLM, Sweden -A 35- nation confeence fomally adopted yesteday the fist East West secuity ageement since SALT, and diplomats said it could be a step towad impoved supepowe elations. The confeence did not deal with actual disamament o nuclea weapons. ts goal was to educe the isk of a militay supise attack o conventional wa beaking out by misundestanding in Euope. Delegates toasted the ageement with champagne, ending 32 months of polonged delibeations among the United States, Canada, the Soviet Union and all Euopean counties except Albania. The accod is politically binding and when atified will come into foce Jan., Ageement was eached late Sunday when Soviet and U.S. negotiatos compomised on aangements fo notification, obsevation and on-site inspection of militay maneuves. Associated Pess night seven days a week. has the announcement" said Jason been eceiving an aveage of 50 Whiddon, coodinato of medical WASHNGTON Since dis- calls pe hou on 10 incoming sevices at the clinic. t was the fist East-West secuity ageement this decade, the closue of the fist theapeutic lines fom doctos and patients "People ae keeping up hope, dug to help ADS suffees, inteested in being included in but they ae cautious," Whiddon fist duing Ronald Reagan's thousands have called hotlines futhe studies of the dug. added. "We'e talking about pesidency, and the fist since to get moe infomation, health Unlike othe pupoted people who ae aleady econofficials said yesteday. developments involving teat- ciled to the fact that they might the still unatified U.S.-Soviet stategic ams limitations accod Fedeal authoities announced ment of acquied immune die and have had thei hopes in Fiday that an expeimental dug deficiency syndome, inquiies aised befoe." found to cut the death ate and about azidothymidine, o ATZ, ADS, an incuable condition impove the quality of life of have not been as fantic as in the caused by a vius that esults in some ADS patients would be past say opeatos of the hot- destuction of the body's made moe widely available. line. infection-fighting immune sys- They stessed, howeve, that the A spokesman fo the Whitman tem, has been epoted in Associated Pess dug was not a cue, and that it Walke Clinic hee, a cleaing- 24,859 Ameicans to date, could have seious side effects. house fo ADS infomation, said 13,689 of whom have died. CHESTERTON, nd. -Weekend The National nstitutes of it has been eceiving calls about and off-peak passenge sevice Health said a special telephone ATZ, but said these inquiies The ATZ patients suffeed opeated by the South Shoe hotline established to answe have not been as ugent as in fewe deaths and, beginning six Raiload will be maintained at questions about the dug had the past. weeks afte stating the dug, least though mid-apil in an eceived moe than calls "Oveaii. peopie have been also had noticeably fewe bouts ageement eached yesteday. between Fiday and yesteday. cain and not nooding us with with othe infections and cances The public agency that The hotline, which opeates inquiies, patly because of the associated with ADS, eseach- opeates passenge sevice between 8 a.m. EDT and mid- hotline established at NH befoe es say. though a contact with the aiload accepted a $2.6 million ~ , The 35 counties ae scheduled to eview the esults of the Stockholm confeence and othe offshoots of the 1975 Helsinki Accods at a follow-up meeting in Vienna, stating Nov. 4. Duing the final session yesteday, the confeence clock emained at 0:56p.m., the time it was stopped last Fiday, Sept. 19. Fiday midnight was the uiginal deadline fo the confeence. Delegates had to "feeze" time because issues emained unesolved. "We have taken an impotant step towad educing the isk of militay confontation," Robet L. Bay, chief U.S. negotiatio at the talks, said in a statement. Oleg Ginevsky, Bay's Soviet countepat also paised the ageement but said much wok still had to be done in educing wa isks. "We have left hell behind us and ae now in pugatoy. But we ae still fa fom heaven," Ginevsky said. The measues ageed to allow NATO, the Wasaw Pact and neutal counties to closely monito each othe's toop movements, thus inceasing mutual confidence and lessening suspicion between the blocs, delegates said. The ageement expanded on simila measues included at Helsinki in South Shoe will opeate limited uns until mid-apil ocoam 1 5, lok '1986! SOUTH BEND, NDANA JON THE UST OF SPOKTSMED GREATS Bill Rodges, Albeto Salaza, Allison Roe, Joan Benoit (couse ecod 32:34}, Jim Spivey, Pete Pfitzinge, Rudy Chapa, Paul Cummings, 1 Nick Rose (couse ecod 28:14), Keith Bantly, Piscilla Welch, Fank Shote, Steve Plasencia, Cyndie Welte, Joe Kipsang, Lisa Lasen Wiedenbach, Dan Hendeson, Julie lsphoding, Chis Hughes, Kenneth Coope, Hal Higdon, Geoge Sheehan, David Costil, Tony Staynings - Plu5 many moe of the wold's fastest OK unnes....~ state loan and appoved a new sevice ageement with South Shoe. The action peseves the weekend and off-peak ail sevice though Apil 15. But the agency, the Nothen ndiana Commute Tanspotation Distict boad, said sevice would be cut if the Geneal Assembly fails to povide moe money to un the aiload. Reagan continuedjompage 1 The Soviets had ejected the initial U.S. demand because it would have foced abandonment of many of the heavy land-based missiles that ae the coe of thei nuclea asenal. Although thei most ecent offe of less dastic cuts wasn't acceptable, Reagan said, it appeaed to be "a seious effot." Because of this, he said, the United States is "pepaed to conside" moe modest eductions as an inteim step towad the eventual elimination of offensive nuclea weapons. "So thee has been movement" Reagan epoted. He added that the United States still seeks "total elimination" of intemediate-ange missiles in Euope - his so-called zeo option. "The ice of the negotiating stalemate could beak if both sides intensify thei effots in the new ougd of Geneva talks" that opened ~st week. Reagan told the wold leades gatheed fo the opening of the annual Geneal Assembly session. Reagan, howeve, gave no indication of significant U.S. concessions on his Stategic Defense nitiative, nicknamed "Sta Was." The Soviets claim that building such a space-based shield against nuclea missiles only foces them to build moe offensive weapons to make sue they could penetate U.S. defenses in the event of wa.

4 ~ ~~--~ ~+~w=------~~-----~-~--~----~ = The Obseve Tuesday, Septembe 23, page 4 note dame SNUG AS A BUG N A RUG DSCPLESHP?! OFFCE OF UNVERSTY MNSTRY Univesity of Note Dame Note Dame, N Seasonal publication of Music and Litugy Seasonal wokshop fo the Hall Litugical musicians: Evey fist Thusday of the month, Soin Chapel, 7:00p.m. Coodination of music, Saced Heat Chuch Geneal esouce plaoning fo all litugical celebation ~LGOUS 'BULLETN Ubay Concouse Badin Hall Volume ssue Septembe 7, 1936 UNVERSTY!NSTRY nvitation to Sacamental Pepaation nitiation in the Roman Catholic Chuch Baptism, Full Communion, Confimation nfomation Sessions on Sept. 28 Rev. Ande LeveiUe, C.S.C, Diecto Coe Staff S. Pat McCabe, C.S.C Steve Wane Piscilla Wong UNMRSTY MNSTRY (103 Memoial Libay- 6S36) Religious Education 5242 Litugy and Litugical Music 5242 Assistant Diecto 6536 Sponsos: 7pm Libay Lounge Fo baptised Catholics willing to jouney with pesons in ou sacamental pogams Baptism and Full Communion: 8 pm Libay Lounge Fo unbaptised pesons wanting to become a membe of the Roman Catholic Chuch Fo baptised pesons wanting Full Communion in the Catholic Tadition Adjunct Staff (Badin Hall, ) Kathleen de Goot S. Jo (Annette) Giaante, O.S.F. Caol Guenthe Tacey Sandman Bo. Bonaventue Scully, C.F.X. Saced Heat Chuch ( ) Rev. Daniel Jenky, C.S.C Bo. Dennis Meyes, C.S.C. Chaplains Univesity Village & Maied Students Reteats Maiage Pepaation Maiage Pepaation Religious Bulletin Recto Univesity Sacistan f ~ Fo those wanting to know moe about the Roman Catholic faith Confimation: 9 pm Libay Lounge Fo baptised Catholics wanting to celebate the Sacament of Confimation Please call: Rev. David Buell, C.S.C. Rev. Joseph Caey, C.S.C. Rev. A D'Aionzo, C.S.C. Rev. Robet Giffin, C.S.C. Rev. Jey Knoll, C.S.C. Rev. Michael O'Bien, C.S.C Rev. James Riehle, C.S.C. Secetaies Univesity Village Athletic Paye Goups Univesity Chaplain Staff Student Health Athletic S. Pat McCabe,C.S.C Unlvenlty Mlnloty o atop by Badin olftcea 8am-5pm Helen Bennett PegHouk Anne Scheu Badin Hall Saced Heat Chuch 103 Memoial Libay Host Couple Pogam 4-5 sessions ($25) - Pe..Cana Weekend ($80) Januay Mach6-7 Apil3-4 which meel diocesan egulallons acoss lhe county Call Univesity Ministy Badin Office: Daily Mass Monday though Fiday Alumni Hall4:30 p.m. Celebant: F. Ande Leveille, C. S.C. Be STLL and!mow that lam God eteat Octobe 31-Novembe 2 (noon) "Sexuality, ntimacy, and Spiituality" Novembe (9pm) "Discoveing God though self- knowledge and sevice to othes" Febuay 6-8 (5pm) "Note Dame Encounte" Mach (noon) Diected by Paticia Livingston and Univesity Ministy Staff Diected by F. Ande Leveille Diected by Note Dame Students and Ministy Team Reteat diected by F. James Butchaell Fo moe infonnation contact Office of Univesity Ministy AU students ae invited to take pat in a Bible study shaing which wu begin Monday, Septembe 22 in Lewis HaD Chapel at 7:30 p.m. CaD Kisten Stougal at o F. D'Aionzo at o

5 ~ ~--~ ~---~ The Obseve South Afican mines potest 'white' sevices Associated Pess EVANDER, South Afica -About 200 black mines, shouting union slogans and tibal chants, disupted a company-sponsoed memoial sevice yesteday fo 177 men killed in a mine fie last week. "We'e not going to pay with whites today. We've neve been allowed to pay with whites. We'll have ou own ites,': mines shouted. Holding clubs and steel ods ove thei heads, they an though the outdoo sevice 0 times, downing out semons by white and black peaches. Hundeds of othe wokes who came fo the sevice poued out of bleaches and chais to join the dissidents. Afte the sevice, they continued to ace aound a field nea the No. 2 shaft of Kinoss gold mine until officials fom the National Union of Minewokes calmed them down. A fie in the shaft last Tuesday killed 172 black and 5 white mines, and injued 2.35, mostly blacks. Regional union oganize Tshidiso Mothupi said the union would hold its own memoial Wednesday at neaby Secunda. n Johannesbug, the United Democatic Font, South Afica's main multiacial anti-apatheid alliance, said in a statement it joined tade unions in holding the mine ownes "fully esponsible fo this tagic loss of 177 pecious lives, lives that have made possible the millions in iches that the mining bosses have today." n Petoia, Pesident P. W. Botha said foeign govenment and mining industies wee welcome to send thei own epesentatives to South Afican mines to check the safety standads. Botha said in a message to the ntenational Confedeation of Fee Tade Unions in Bussels that its demand fo an independent commission of inquiy into the disaste was based on ignoance and epesented a "cynical and insensitive" attempt to lay blame. A govenment team is investigating the fie. South Afican mining companies contend that thei safety standads ae among the highest in the wold, given the inheent danges in this county's deep mines, and that safety figues show steadv impovements. About 6, 000 Kinoss mines attended the outdoo memoial sevice Monday. n the font ow was Deek Keys, chaiman of Geneal Mining Union Cop., and othe white manages. The mines' signs and slogans eflected acial tension in the mines, whee blacks wok unde white supevision, and accusations that company neglect of safety pocedues contibuted to the disaste. Queen's -Castle & The Knights $ 6 student Sl.50 cut style AWAY.FROM CAMPUS DSCOUNTS FOR ALL STUDENTS We... f t. tile Ro, Boue S ta l.. C. t l ta Not Ho.e. CWM... B e1cm Mote ;8t ~ow 111f)Mj U-HAUl REFRGERATORS Fo Rent (New 2.6 Cubic ft. Models) Call fo student ate 3410 Westen Ave. Men's and Women's Sugical Scubs All sizes fom S-XL Colos: Misty Geen, Ciel Blue, Canbey Shits fom $12.95-$18.95 Pants fom $17.50-$23.50 To ode, call Michiana Cente fo ndependent Living (219) '*Visa and Mastecad accepted D. Emil Hofman takes time out to engage students in his favoite fish stoy. A close Tuesday, Septembe 23, pages listening will eveal the bass-ic point of his chemical discussion. U.S. Congess to addess 3 issues as time uns out on 99th Session Associated Pess WASHNGTON - With time apidly unning out on the 99th Congess, the House plans to tackle the yea's thee majo money mattes this week, and a special impeachment panel in the Senate continues the tial of an impisoned fedeal judge. The House planned action on moe than two dozen bills, mostly mino, fo yesteday and today. But the money stats to oll Wednesday, when the House plans to vote on an election-yea budget package designed to shave about $15 billion off the fiscal 1987 deficit without tax inceases o majo cuts in fedeal spending pogams. The budget plan, simila passed by the Senate on Fiday, is a hodgepodge of items such as govenment assets sales, use fees fo govenment sevices and accounting changes. t would allow Congess to dop the deficit below $154 billion, the theshold at which Gamm-Rudman calls fo acoss-the-boad spending cuts. On Thusday, the House plans to vote on the tax bill, the lagesteve evamping of the fedeal income tax code. House leades also plan to bing up a $567 billion package to finance govenment opeations fo the yea beginning Oct.. Congess plans to adjoun Oct. Did you sign up to be a new membe of The Obseve's photogaphy staff? f so, then you will want to be at the fist meeting fo new photogaphes. Meet at 7:30pm on Thusday, Septembe 25, in The Obseve's new offices on the thid floo of the LaFotune Student Cent~. Questions? Call Jim Caoll at Note Da e A venae Apat eats NOW RENTNG FOR FAL Completely fumishe~ balconies, laundy, and off-steet paking. On site management & maintenence, all deluxe featues Move in befoe 10/1 18q and get ONE MONTH FREE RENT Offi~ at 120 ND Ave Call Aaytiine.3, and at least an inteim vesion of the spending package must be woked out between the House, Senate and the administation befoe lawmakes can head fo the campaign tail. n the Senate, impisoned fedeal Judge Hay E. Claibone etuned to the witness stand yesteday befoe a special impeachment panel. A house posecution team is tying to have him emoved fom the bench, fom which he has efused to esign, despite his conviction on income tax evasion. Claibone on Fiday denied to the panel that he cheated on his income taxes, and contended he was famed by hostile posecutos. 2menhijack Soviet jet; odeal ends with 6 deaths Associated Pess MOSCOW - Two men seized a Soviet ailine at a Ual mountains aipot in an aboted weekend hijacking in which the two gunmen, two passenges and two policemen wee killed, Tass said yesteday. t said the men wee dug addicts. The official news agency said that befoe commandeeing the Tu-1.34 Aeoflot plane, with 76 passenges aboad ealy Satuday, the huackes shot and killed two police offices duing a ca chase to the aipot. The thwated hijacking occued at the aipot in Ufa, capital of Bashki autonomous epublic, about 700 miles east of Moscow. The plane appaently neve left the gound befoe it was stomed and etaken by secuity agents. Secuity police and unifomed militia undetook "decisive measues" to ecaptue the plane, Tass said, indicating they stomed the aicaft while it was still on the unway.

6 -~--~ ~-- "ie~~_o_i_n t Tu-esday_.sep-tenb-e23_ 9s6--p-age6 Abuse of alcohol uns ampant at hall SYRs Lunch is my favoite meal of the day iably hea some of my classmates bag- policy in ode to pevent abuses of alco- a nightclub available fo those of us who because by one o'clock 'm finished with ging about how many paties they atten- hoi on campus. Then, why don't we tun ae unde 2, and that it will be popula all my classes and South Dining hall isn't ded ove the weekend and how many aound and "beak" the ules by allowing because thee won't be dunk boys and vey cowded. can enjoy a leisuely lunch cases of bee they dank. On Fidays the two "all hall semi-fomal paties" pe se- gils to eckon with. with my fiends contemplating the oigins chatte tuns to happy hous beginning meste? While "it is the conviction of the hope you all have a good time at SYRs of the univese. That's my idea of a good in the ealy aftenoon and bahopping Univesity that dunkenness and public this yea, and hope the Dome mentality time. The othe day, howeve, my elaxing late in the evening. 'm not impessed. intoxication ae unacceptable" ( 1984 A- towads alcohol isn't as widespead as 1 lunch-hou was distubed by an angy Recently, head two female classmates coho! Policy), 1 cannot undestand why, think it is. As you ae picking up that fist convesation between myself and one of discussing thei vaious states of int.oxica- theefoe, the Univesity condones bee o mixed dink on Fiday night, o my good fiends. was supised at his tion ove the past weekend. was dis- dunkenness and public intoxication by any night ask youself why you ae about point of view and became distubed, gusted. Don't call me sexist it was just allowing all hall paties (SYRs)! Maybe this to dink it. Wouldn't you tuly enjoy youthat and a little angy at him, as voiced my neve expected to hea women, paadox only makes sense if one is in- self moe if you dank a club soda in- own opinion. mean gils, talk like that Call me naive. toxicated, but it makes no sense to me stead? Maybe not but at least give it a Can't you have a good time with fiends at the moment. ty this fist time aound, and see how without alcohol? Wouldn't you have as When the undegad club opens up on the othe half lives. Let me know how it Lou Saabando good a time enjoying the company of campus, 1 asked Chis, do you think SYRs went, give me a call and we'll do lunch Dating is made easie if one leans to elax Dea Edito: Yes, this is anothe lette concening dating (o the absence of) at Note Dame. am witing in eply to Michelle Coleman's aticle last Tuesday (Sept. 16). Michelle's aticle offes what appeas to be sound insights into the social life at Note Dame She began by attempting to ease many of the goundless myths of dating suounding the college. Unfotunately, spent (suvived) a yea ooming with two guys who wee manically depessed by the effect of these "illusions." would be in dange of sevee bodily ham if eleased thei names, but to dispel any doubts... they ae not social ejects; in fact they both have been told they could be models (at least that's what they say.) Now, Michelle encouaged guys to take chances, go to the mall (isque!), a campus movie, a play, bowling, o dinne. My oommates had un though this list twice in the fist month. Yeah sue, some gils would go out but the vast lunch talk you fiends with a can of Coke in you will still be as popula? Of couse, without sometime. Alcohol. Note Dame. Paties. What's it all about? That is what wanted to know. With an SYR coming up this Fiday, the topic of convesation came up. 'm gowing inceasingly adamant in my attitude towads alcohol and the Dome mentality. Why do people go to SYR's? To get dunk, sloshed, blitzed, whateve you call it. That's what Chis was telling me. Gee, thought they went to SYRs to tash my dom, spill dinks, thow food eveywhee, vomit on my bathoom floo and act like class A jeks. Same thing. Since my feshman yea, have noticed no change in my obsevations. must be eal naive because thought people went to SYRs in ode to meet new people, have a good time with fiends, listen to good music and dance. f thee wasn't any alcohol it would not matte at all. was laughed at. My good fiend, Chis, was sitting acoss fom me, laughing between bites of hambuge. All of a sudden it dawned on me that am as naive as they come. O am? Why is it necessay fo students to use evey oppotunity possible to get dunk? Am missing something? When etun to classes on a Monday moning, inva- hand? (Chis laughs hade now.) f you need alcohol to enjoy you weekend, you, my fiend, ae at the wong type of insititution. wonde. do these weekend paties continue afte college o do you suddenly become a matue adult because you have a diploma in you hand? don't know what moe to say about alcohol. still don't undestand why people dink evey weekend to get dunk. t makes no sense. s it that enjoyable to thow up uncontollably afte hous of dinki11g alcohol? 'm not looking fowad to Fiday evening. would have liked to attend the SYR but would feel uncomfotable walking my date though the tashed hallways of Fishe while avoiding the disgusting behavio of dunk boys and gils at evey cone. And if don't attend the SYR. it is "ecommended" that leave the domitoy while the paty is in pogess. Why should leave my home fo six hous against my will? don't like the idea of my home being tuned into a ba fo six hous. The whole concept is athe stange, if you think about it. But most of us don't do we? No does the administation. Gosh, let's spend a lot of time outlining a new alcohol majoity did not. Depession began to set in; the veacity of these "myths" was less in doubt. Contay to he view of ejection, it is a pide-numbing, painful expeience. Not many nomal guys can take moe than a few hunded cut "No, 'm busy." eplies without feeling the effects. By the end of the yea one oommate was to the point of tansfeing schools fo the sole eason of his dating poblems (he might deny this, but... ) The othe, well, suffice to say he's still feeling the effects of that yea. Tagically, he myths ae all too eal. Women, because of the atio, do have moe men to choose fom, and theefoe ae inclined to be eseved. t's a fact. She says it's untue that evey gil is flocked by a goup of guys; don't know about the est of the male population, but the times 've been to a paty whee evey gil is not suounded (suffocated) by guys is less than the times we won last yea. My oomies took many chances and asked out a lot of gils but ended up wose than they stated. So, what is the solution? You'e asking me how 've suvived the ampant pessimism suounding me? Celibacy... just kidding. Thee ae no simple solu- booze, "Theodoe's" won't last moe than a month, he eplies. don't believe this i-5 tue. 1 think it is a geat idea to have P.O.BoxQ tions; he advice, though easonable, has been aleady taken and it doesn't wok. Dating will emain a poblem egadless of the billiancy o oiginality of my advice. leaned a long time ago to elax. just elax. Relationships and dating ae somewhat impotant to me, but by not staking my life on the abscence o pescence of a gilfiend, am much happie. do not expect o yean fo a gilfiend evey waking moment so don't have a cuent inteest 'm not unhappy. f do find someone who inteests me, am that much happie because it was unexpected. f one etenally pines fo a gil the majoity of one's time is spent in this unsatisfied state. As this pogesses into despeation the chance of finding a date geometically deceases. So, maybe my attitude is tough to emulate. Anothe wod of advice is just to be a genial, fiendly peson and ty to make some good fiends of the opposite sex. Not only ae these elationships just as ewading, but many times a geat dating elationship is built upon one of these simple fiendships. John Schmit Gace Hall l.ou Saabam/o is a junio accounting am/ psychology majo. Voluntay testing is the answe to dug cisis Dea Edito: Dug testing is not the solution fo a poblem that has univesally eached epidemic popotions. o employes to impose mandatoy dug testing would be a cleacut invasion of pivacy and would seve only to cicumvent the poblem. One cannot hope to cue the dug poblem by emoving those who would test positive on such tests, o by focing them into ehabilitation. Voluntay ehabilitation would be the effective solution. The inspiation to voluntee fo such pogams should come though inceased emphasis on education about the consequences of substance use and abuse. Dug testing should be seconday to the establishment of a policy fo univesal mandatoy education about dugs. Suzi Cantwell Off-Campus YOU mn7,jj<e 1 /T 2 MY TRANSFO?MJfT/ON NTD!XJR<. OF 7H/3: YeAR S NOAJ CJMPl&T&! YOU HAV~ OFROAUY TA<&N OV8R MY ENTRE ~ l-ff[;_l """' """'~- MikE,... \ WELL? AREN'T YOU GONG 70 AJMPM8{)P N PLASTC. FRST? \ Quote of the day "A man who neve tusts himself neve tusts anyone." Cadinal de Ritz ( ) Memois

7 .VieWP-Oint Tuesday, Septembe23, page7 U.S. is violating human ights in Nicaagua Ove the summe, while you wee whiling you while away, decided to wite a few lettes to membes of Congess. coesponded with John Hile, who sits in the U.S. House of Repesentative fo ndiana's 3d distict (which includes South Bend and Note Dame). also wote to ndiana Senato Richad Luga who is the Chaipeson of the U. S. Senate Foeign Relations committee. Since these two honoable men belong to the Republican Paty, thought it might be wise to wite to a Democat too. picked Edwad Kennedy. Jugen Baue guest column Let me shae some of this coespond ence with you. The pemise was that indicated to the Republicans that don't think any money should be given to the "Conta" who seek to ovethow the Nicaaguan govenment. Sen. Luga eplies: " appeciate you binging to my attention you concens about allegations suounding the activities of the Nicaaguan democatic esistance." Oops! "Democatic esistance: Sen. Kennedy sees the matte just a little diffeently: " do not believe," he wites, "that suppot fo the contas contibutes to the effot to estoe democacy to Nicaagua. n tact, the ecod shows that Pesident Reagan's policy has achieved just the opposite. Afte five yeas of U.S. militay 'pessue,' the people of Nicaagua ae futhe away fom democacy than eve befoe." Fo Kennedy, it appeas, the conta ae not a "democatic esistance" to the Nicaaguan govenment. n fact. he continues: " am, also concened about the continuing epots of atocities inflicted by the contas on civilians in Nicaagua. Suely, U.S. aid should not be available to goups who engage in teoism." Aha! That one is clea enough: "democatic esistance" vs "teoism" (a a Libya?). But even so, why doesn't the Nicaaguan govenment negotiate with the conta? Accoding to John Hile that is what the Sandinistas should do. He says: "An offe fo a cease fie in etun fo negotiations has been made by contas and ejected by the Sandinistas 15 times. The offe emains open today." That one befuddled me: How can one negotiate a cease fie with the contas when the contas ae odeed by Washington not to? think Kennedy has it coect when he puts the blame on Washington: " "Thiteen Latin Ameican nations--includig Nicaagua-- have suppoted the ecent effots of the Contadoa Goup to each an end to the cisis. The pesidents of Agentina, Bazil, Peu and Uuguay... stessed the impotance of the U.S. ole in the effot. They also stated that it was impeative fo the United States to end its suppot fo the contas and that such a step was indispensable to achieving peace." While it is tue, M. Hile, that the Sandinistas ejected talks with the contas, it is not because they don't want peace but because they want to talk to the ight peson (who sits in the White House). What does the U.S. eally want in Nicaagua? Sen. Luga says: " fimly believe that ou objective in Nicaagua should be to ceate the cicumstances which will make it possible to someday obseve a democatic election peceded by the estoation of civil libeties; tue feedom of the pess to cove the candidates, issues and pocedues of the election; and feedom fo candidates to tavel at will thoughout the entie county without haassment and intimidation. Pio to that time, a constituent assembly o constitutional convention should be elected in simila open cicumstances to daft a dem ocatic constitution compaable to those of Costa Rica, Guatemal, El Salvado o Honduas." Well, if that wasn't specific! But. let's see what to make of this list. Hee is what "fimly believe." Fist of all, believe that the U.S. should not have any objectives egading Nicaagua! The U.S. govenment is to goven the United States, not any othe county. f the U.S. govenment feels theatened by Nicaagua it ought to pepae adequate defense on U.S. soil, not along Honduas" and Costa Rica's bodes with Nicaagua as the U.S. is pesently doing. Second of ail believe that people have the ight to elect the kind of govenment they want to have. The Sandinista govenment held intenationally supevised, although not U.S. contolled, elections in Novembe The Fente Sandinista got 67% of the popula vote vesus close to thity peent fo political paties to thei ight. f the election esult did not please the U.S. govenment so what? Afte all, the U.S. didn't intevene in taly and Fance, whose govenment had expessly communist minises in ecent yeas. Neithe does the U.S. govenment intevene in Poland, East Gemany and all the othe "Soviet Bloc" nations. Thidly, by what aogance of powe does the U.S. govenment pemit itself to openly inflict wounds upon wounds on innocent Nicaaguan civilians? At the time of the Nicaaguan evolution in 1979, the Nicaaguan people had a miseable standad of life. The evolution impoved that standad emakably, expecially in tems of educational and health sevices as well as in food poduction. The U.S. govenment has since then pesued a policy of educing those impovements back to Somoza-time standads and is inceasingly successful in achieving its aims. Talk about human ight violations in Cental Ameica; the U.S. deseves the numbe one spot! Jugen Baue is a gaduate student in economics and a egula Viewpoint columnist. Capitalists dominate the Democatic system "Democacy is the wost fom of gouenment. Except fo all the othes." Winston Chuchill M. Chuchill's statement is an accuate one, especially in light of ou own fom of democacy, which label as a capitalist democacy. The democacy which exists in the United States has the singula impotant pupose of guaanteeing eveyone in this county the ight to vote and take pat in the political pocess, which supposedly insues against discimination o exclusion of any paticula inteest goup. Michael Foning in the minoity contend, howeve, that in ou capitalist democacy, these political ights ae simply fomal and pocedual not substantive, and that a capitalist democacy is simply a legal way fo a minoity to oppess a majoity. n eal tems, this means that the execise of these piolitical ights and the powe of expession ae limited by inequal distibution of esouces, and in actuality, only people with adequate esouces may execise thei political ights. Why ae esouces so influential on the ability to execise political ights? Because the coodination of the execise theeof depends diectly on monetay availability. A small gocey stoe owne and the chaiman of the boad of Exxon have the same ight to feedom of expession, but thei powes to lend substance to this ight ae diectly elated to thei esouces and thus ae unequal. This is because impotance and assets he Obseve P.O. Box Q, Note Dame, N (219) guaantee access to politics and incease the likelihood of having one's demands met. To undestand this, let us examine ou capitalist democacy and lean how this esouce constaint s poduced. Fist of all, ou capitalist democacy is speclflcally designed to satisfy the inteests it pomotes, these being shot tem mateial gains. n addition, two main kinds of people exist in ou society; capitalists and wokes. Capitalists constitute a minoity of the population and ae defined as those who contol the investment which occus in a capitalist state. Wokes ae geneally defined as eveyone else. Fo obvious easons, the welfae of the wokes depends on the capitalists, as they ae fom whom the wokes eceive thei money. Capitalists, howeve, tend only to invest as much money in the system as will maximize thei pofits and keep the wokes content yet subdued enough to not disupt the capitalists monopoly on money and powe. n othe wods, the so-called democacy is un by a minoity of the population (the capitalists) because they own the vast majoity of the esouces needed to execise political ights, while the wokes, due to thei inheent lack of esouces, have only fomal ights. As the 'capitalist democacy is geaed towad the :satisfaction of shot tem mateial gain, 1 the capitalist's task to keep the woke 1 pepetually satisfied is easy. Well, you say, this is not eally tue because in ou society, eveyone is able to ean as much money as they want. and even if they do not have abundant esouces, vote and patake in the politcal pocess. But this agument just does not bea had scutiny when compaed with the facts. The Obseve is the independent newspape published by the students of the Univesity of Note Dame du Lac and Saint May's College. t does not necessaily eflect the policies of the administation of eithe institution. The news is epoted as accuately and objectively as possible. Unsigned editoials epesent the opinion of the majoity of the Editoial Boad. Commentaies, lettes and the nside Column pesent the views of thei authos. Column space is available to all membes of the community and the fee One: 78. % of the households n the U.S. ean above $40,000 pe yea while 3. 7% of the households ean above $75,000 pe yea. Two: the bottom 20% of the wage eanes in the U.S. goss 5% of the GNP while the top 20% goss 41.9% of the GNP. Thee: 0.5% of the population owns 50% of all copoate stock while 85% of the population owns no copoate stock at all. Fou: in 1980, the 53.2% vote tunout was the thid lowest in histoy, and, in what was dubbed a landslide victoy, Ronald Reagan won a smalle pecentage of the eligle electoate than did Wendell Willkie in his 1940 loss to Fanklin D. Roosevelt. Five: the woking class votes 30% less than the middle class. Six: blacks vote 20% less than whites. Seven: 27 of the 33 winnes in the 1982 senate aces outspent thei opponent and five of the six winnes who won with less than fou pecent of the vote outspent thei opponents by at least twice as much. t is faily evident fom these statistics that to be successful in, let alone be active in,. politics, o have any sot of viable powe in this county, one must have consideable esouces, and, theefo, be in the minoity. The difficulties in mounting a campaign which has few financial esouces available to it, o even exeting any kind of influence (o using one's feedom of expession if you will) without financial esoud!s, in ou society, ae vitually insumountable. But. you ague, a minoity can not oppess a majoity in ou county because we have a built in safety device: the majoity ules concept. and anyone with a majoity can win. Howeve, thee ae two majo poblems with this. Geneal Boad Edito-in-Chief.... Joe Muphy Managing Edito... Kevin Becke Viewpoint Edito... Scott Beaby Spots Edito.... Dennis Coigan Accent Edito.... May Jacoby Saint May's Edito.... Magie Kesten News Edito... Tipp Baltz News Edito.... Mak Pankowski expession of vaying opinions on campus, though lettes, is encouaged. Founded Novembe 3, 1966 The fist is that, as we see fom ou statistics, and as have just demonstated above, t s geneally people with money o who have the backing of money who un n and win elections, n othe tems they ae the capitalists. o, the minoity. The second s that the lose, no matte what. s not epesented at all. These two flaws in ou electoal pocess, the equiement of esouces to have success and the winne take all concept clealy leave ou capitalist democacy in a state of goss undeepesentation whee the minoity has the oppotunity to oppess the majoity. But what is to be done? What system is moe effective? Thee s no bette system that we know of, as Winston Chuchill so aptly said. What we must do s ende the cuent system moe viable and moe equal, and the change equied is not a disuptive o adical one. The fist thing we must do is emove all mateially based disabilities concening feedom of expession, and allow eveyone the chance to lend equal substance to thei views. Secondly, we must adopt a popotional epesentation system as opposed to a winne take all system in which loses would still be epesented and othe paties would have the chance to be fomed (and epesented) instead of the stict two paty system pesiding now. These two simple changes will meet esistance, namely fom the people in powe who ae afaid they will lose what they have. Yet this esistance must be ovecome and the changes must be enacted to id us of ou highly disciminatoy system. Michael Foning is a junio ats and lettes majo and is a egula Viewpoint columnist. Business Manage... Eic Scheuemann Contolle.... Alex VondeHaa Poduction Manage... Chis Bowle Photogaphy Manage... James Caoll Advetising Manage.... Anne M. Culligan Systems Manage... Shawn Sexton Gaphic Ats Mange... Mak Weimholt OCN Manage.... Fancis X. Malone

8 ~ ~---- l Accent The Kapp stoy t ~ Special to the Obseve "Speak with the tone of moonlight in you voice," suggested Samuel Beckett as he eased his eighty-yea-old body into a font ow seat. As ich in visual imagey when he diects as when he wites, Beckett is nonetheless quite specific about what he wants fom his actos and elentless in his pusuit of it. One of his favoite actos is ex San Quentin pisone Rick Cluehey, who will be pefoming Beckett's "Kapp's Last Tape" at Washington Hall on the campus of Note Dame Wednesday, Thusday and Fiday, Septembe 24,25 and 26 at 8:10p.m. Cluchey feels that his backgound has given him a unique undestanding of Beckett's absudist style. Cluchey says, "f the citics ae ight when they poclaim that all of Beckett's chaactes ae dawn fom his ealy life in Dublin, that is, the Cluchey discoveed Beckett in 1959 when the San Fancisco Dama Wokshop visited San Quentin to pefom "Waiting fo Godot." The pefomance changed his life. Cluchey founded the San Quentin Dama wokshop, an acting toupe compised of San Quentin convicts, and wote thee of his own plays. Cluchey was paoled in 1966 fo his excellence as an acto, diecto, and playwight. Beckett discoveed Cluchey in 1974 when both men happened to be woking in Belin, and the two have been close fiends eve since. Cluchey bings to Note Dame "Kapp's Last Tape," a shot play which was a pat of tilogy ("Waiting fo Godot," "Endgame," and "Kapp's Last Tape") ecently pefomed in Euope to celebate Beckett's 80th bithday. "Kapp's Last Tape" is "a damatic ecod of aging." The citics in Euope Samuel Beckett's "Kapp,, to appea at Washington steets, bogs, ditches, dumps, and madhouses, then can only add that the most infomed, knowledgeable and qualified people to potay Beckett's 'chaactes' would be the inmates of any pison." n fact, the costume Beckett has chosen fo Kapp has stipes suggestive of pison stipes to stess his solitude. have called Cluchey "magnificent" in his potayal of Kapp. "The one-time pisone Cluchey has a philosophic bond with the Beckett chaacte com plimented by his own damatic excellence." Kapp is an old man now, but at one time fancied himself a wite and a love. His one pleasue now is playing old tapes he has made of his bithdays ove the yeas. He no longe makes new tapes, but passes the time listening to his old ones. Beckett, though Cluchey, allows silence to speak as loudly as the fuming Kapp. t is engossing, stylized detail fom beginning to end. Kapp laughs at his youthful ambition, and explodes with the fustation of age and lost love. Raely does Beckett diect his own plays, so "Kapp's Last Tape" is a paticulaly insightful look into one of this centuy's most impotant playwights. Kapp has thee vices: bananas, alcohol, and wods, wods being what he loves above all else. One has to wonde as he watches Kapp gapple with his past and pesent how much of Beckett is in this mavelous chaacte. At age 80, this may be the last play that Beckett will choose to diect. Atte each petomance thee will be an open discussion with Cluchey. The pefomances ae the culmination of a week of wokshops led by Cluchey. A gant fom the Exxon Education Foundation has tnade the wokshops possible. Cluchey will be coaching student actos in handling the Beckett chaactes and style. He will also be giving thee lectues on vaious topics elated to his wok with Beckett. Both the acting wokshops and lectues ae open to the public. Pefomances of "Kapp's Last Tape" ae Wednesday though Fiday, Septembe 24, 25, and 26 at 8: 0 p.m. Tickets ae $6 main floo and $5 balcony. Student and Senio Citizen discounts ae available fo the Wednesday and Thusday pefomances. Tickets ae available at the Washington Hall Ticket Office noon - 6 p.m. weekdays. Fo Mastecad and Visa esevations o futhe infomation call Rockne pasting pomised CHRS DALLAVO featues wite Thee ae many ways to hono the legends and heoes who have helped shape ou society. Geoge Washington and Abaham Lincoln have lent thei potaits to ou financial system, while Matin Luthe King and an Unknown Soldie ae foeve immotalized in stone. Anothe method of tibute is found on evey lette and postcad that tavels though the mail - that is, to have one's likeness on a postage stamp. A Note Dame legend will soon join the anks of the pivileged few who have appeaed on a stamp: ou own Knute Rockne. Thanks to the effots of Michael Feld, a 1956 Note Dame gaduate, the fabled fome Note Dame football coach will soon gace a United States commemoative stamp. ts elease is timed to coincide with the OOth annivesay of Rockne's bith on Mach 4, The idea came to Feld as he sat in a estauant in Washington D.C. " was looking at all of the spots memoabilia on the walls, and saw blown-up pictues of stamps featuing famous spots legends: Babe Ruth, Jim Thope, Jackie Robinson." Rockne, his childhood heo, immediately came to mind. "He came to this county at five yeas of age, didn't know the language, and yet he woked his way into Note Dame. He became not only a geat football coach, but a geat human being as well. f anyone deseves to be on a stamp, it is Knute Rockne." Feld began looking into the idea by calling the United States Post Office and the National Achives. He was told that it was at least a two-yea pocess, equiing a geat deal of public suppot and some luck. "They wee vey nice, but thei attitude was one of doubt. You know, 'Good luck, but we eally don't think it will happen. " Unaffected by thei attitude, Feld, wote moe than 350 lettes, stating in Novembe Note Dame alumni associations, as well as a wide vaiety of clubs, magazines and newspapes, eceived his lettes, uging them to wite to the United States Post Office in suppot of a Knute Rockne stamp. He even tapped into the political ealm, witing many U.S. Senatos and Repesentatives. "The esponse was unbelievable. eceived copies of many of the lettes that wee mailed to the Post Office. Hundeds of ND alums esponded, including fome DePaul basketball coach Ray Meye. Red Babe of public adio wote in. Speake (of the House) Tip O'Neil and Senato Jesse Helms both wote back with lettes of stong suppot, and anytime you can get those two togethe on anything... " Convinced by the ovewhelming suppot fo the stamp, the United States Post Office appoved the idea and commissioned the atwok. The actual stamp is fist ceated as a lage potait and then educed to its nomal size. t is this potait-size stamp that is fist unveiled, followed by the fist-day issue of the stamps. " can't speak fo the United States Post Office, o fo the Univesity, but can't think of a bette place to have the potait on display than at the Univesity of Note Dame." As fa as his effots ae concened, Feld said, "This was done fo Knute Rockne and Note Dame. Whateve comes of it has been a goup effot - all of the people who suppoted the dea with thei lettes and calls. am just poud to be a pat of it and a pat of the Univesity of Note Dame." f Memoable Events in Rockne's Life Bom in Voss, Noway, 1893-Aived with mothe and sistes to Chicago Student at Nothwesten Divisional high sehool, Chicago Enolled at Note Dame with his two pals, Johnnie Devine and Johnnie Plant Staed as end fo Note Dame's football teams. Walte Camp chose him as end on his thid All-Ameican team fo Rockne established the pole-vaulting ecod of 12 feet, fou inches, a mak that could not be excelled by any vaulte in the middle west Selected head football coach to succeed Jess Hape. Won 8, lost 2, tied 1, the fist yea, scoing 133 points to opponent's Gained national eputation by leading his teams though these yeas without a defeat. Scoed 626 points in 18 games to opponents' Coached what is temed the geatest football team in histoy, Yea of the "Fou Hosemen." Team won 10 staight games. Scoed 285 points to opponents' Wiln five games; lost fou. Regaded as pooe!>t since Rockne became coach Leg infection foced coai:h to bed. Waned by physician to take things easy. Team wins ten games in a ow to beeome national champions Ushes in team compaable to that of Cushed all opposition and again wins title of national champions Employed by Studebake copoation as supeintendent of sales. En oute fom Kansas City by ai line to Califonia. Cashes Mach 31, on fam nea Bazaa, Kansas.

9 & San Quentin nmate Rlcl Cluchey Ullth hla playuilght and dlt'ecto Samuel Beckett. Note Da111e' ouin Knute Roche. Tuesday, Septembe 23, page 8-9 Blessed ae the slay Fathe Robet Giffin Lettes to a lonely God Due to technical difficulties, Lettes to a Lonely God has not been appeaing evey Fiday. Stating this week, it will etun to egula date publication. Note Dame offes all kind of suppot goups to the vaious minoities; but who, these days, speaks up fo students suffeing fom social shyness? n Lake Wobegon, Minnesota, hea, a goup of chonically bashful bachelos and thei dates - tied of feeling like nowes bon to blush unseen and waste thei sweetness on the deset ai - have stated a shy libeation movement. Thee is poblably no hope at oganizing the shy students of Note Dame as a libeation goup, since those who need it most. the teminally shy, couldn't be coaxed out of thei ooms to show up fo the meetings. f eveyone needing help showed up, they'd fill the stadium, because most of us ae shy about something. Befoe anyone begins to examine himself (o heself) fo telltale signs of shyness, he should be eminded that thee ae bloc'kheads in the wold who make life taumatic even fo the aogant. Have you eve been teated as though you wee one of the invisible people? Have you eve been intoduced to a BMOC who neve eally sees you o spoken to a doll (with sawdust fo a heat) who eithe ignoes you o esponds in a voice as lifeless as the taped voice of he answeing sevice? You can tell that you ae invisible by the cold, dead eyes, like those of a zombie, that look at you without egisteing a nickeofinteestocaing. lfyou feel humiliated, it's not supising; an insensitive extovet would feel just as humiliated. Only a blockhead has the teible mannes which blinds him to people. None of us is pefect: we tend to be too young o too old, too fat o too thin, too poo, dull and unimpotant. Yet even a dunk in the steet. pesteing you fo bee money, is entitled to a little espect. One has to be stupid as a Chistian to teat othe human beings as though they had no feeling. Authentic shyness is the fea of taking patfalls, physical social o intellectual, while one is on stage o in any othe public place o in the company of --stfa.ages o while alone with a sweetheat. The effect of shyness is a shot-cicuiting of the electical system that uns fom the bain to the tongue, hands, feet and evey neve end in fhe body. One feels tense fom head to toe, and the blood ushes in diections in which it was neve intended by natue to go. The peson of genius, affected by shyness, sounds and acts like a klutz. The dance, when shyness hits him, feels his leg muscles tun into cooked spaghetti and his feet become as unmanagable as though they had been eplaced with shovels weighted down with coal. The shy peson's voice can't be tusted with the now of wods. Shyness, if it's bad enough, makes the victim want to die, to get off stage; but life is not meciful enough to let him go with dignity. He is stuck fo an etenity, it seems, in the eheasal of a fate wose than death, as he shadow-boxes with the demon of self doubt sent to punish the shy of heat. Shyness is not a chip you wea on you shoulde as you poomouth you way though a paty. At a ecent wedding eception in the east. sat between an actess aspiing to be the wittiest woman in New Yok, and the most negative man in Montauk, Long sland. His wife, petty and petite, was a society photogaphe. asked him: "Ae you a photogaphe too?" He goaned, swoe, and mutteed unde his beath, "Hee we go with twenty questions," befoe finally answeing as though his job wee nothing. " cut fish on the Montauk dock." said: " had geat uncles who wee fishemen living on the coast of Maine. This summe, in London, used to hang aound fish makets, because the smells eminded me of gowing up in Maine." When asked how he felt about catching tuna - the old fishemen used to thow it back as hose mackeel - tuned his back as though wee boing him. The waite bought me a Manhattan. Receiving it gatefully, quoted one of Toots Sho's old quips: " feel soy fo people who don't dink. They know when they wake up in the moning. that's the best they'e going to feel all day." The sunshineboy wasn't amused. "Accoding to my wife, 'm a cetified lush. 've been off the sauce fo thee and a half months. feel otten evey moning. and tomoow, 'll be sick as a dog fom all the booze lidn't touch today." felt bad fo dinking in font of him. How was to know he was nusing a ginge ale? The wedding guests clinked thei glasses with the silvewae. The bide and goom kissed. The actess wanting to be Tallulah Bankhead shouted: "Foeplay, ight hee in font of us. 'm so jealous, think it's disgusting." As you can see, she has a way to go to become immotal fo he wit. "What's she talking about?" the boy of summe in his uin wanted to know, as though he didn't undestand he explicitness. "We'e half way though Septembe," said. "She means the season fo playing is ove." "Yankee touists, go home," he uged. "Yankee touists ae like the G.l.s in Euope: ovepaid, ove-sexed, and ove hee." Then with a snee in the diection of the bide and goom, he said: "All any woman wants of any man is to make his whistle Dixie." His imagey was eathie than mine, and she went him one bette. They ween't fun to listen to, so left the table. Neithe one of them needed to be libeated: she, as a woman; he, as one of the meek who will inheit the eath. Libeating them would be like libeating a school of baicudas. We'd bette watch out who we ae libeating. befoe we add a new hoo to Ameican life. Shy students don't need a movement to help them. They need a human context with space in it like a habo whee they can be taken in and hugged. Sciptue uses many mataphos to descibe places of peace and est: the sheepfold, the Fathe's house, God's holy mountain, the celestial City, the Evelasting Ams. When you beak them down in the hee and now, they mean people helping people. Chist left all of us, like Blanche Dubois, dependent on the kindness of stanges. "And how am to face the odds-of man's bedevilment and God's?!. a stange and afaid1n a wold neve made." The Little Pince, wishing to tame the fox, began by sitting vey still until the fox got used to his company. As the days passed, the fox dew neae and neae. But of couse you must ead Saint-Exupey's stoy youself to see how the ituals fo domesticating a wild thing ae applicable to the shy ones, with whom we need to be patient until they lean to tust us. The shy, like the poo, we will have always with us. Zachaeus, think. who hid in a tee to watch ou Lod, must be the paton saint of the shy. They always have Bashful, the easily embaassed dwaf who seved Snow White, as thei folk heo. -cjhej:lbsene_ -- Want to get moe involved with the featue depatment? Applications now being accepted fo the following positions: : ~::=t~~:~:=to _.._._.,,... -u owoo- ~ ::: office, 3d noo Lafotune. Coalact May Jacoby :;: :~: at fo moe nfomation. :;: t.: : : : : :-:-:-:-: : : : : : : :~: :~:~:~:~:~:~:-:-:-: : : : :::::::::::::::::::-:!:::::::::::::::~:=:~:~:~::: :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~::::!:!:!:!:!:!M:!:!:!::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::~:::~:::::::::::::::~

10 Tuesday, Septembe 23, page 10 Spots Biefs Tonight on WVF-AM 64, "Speaking of Spots" will featue a split pogam tonight. with the fist half being an open line fo geneal spots talk. The focus then shifts to football as ish split end Alvin Mille is the special guest. Hosts Rudy Bandl and Sean Munste will accept calls thoughout the pogam beginning at 10 p.m. at The Obseve. Stepan Cente cout time equests ae now available in the Student Activities Office, thid floo of Lafotune. Deadline fo applying is Fiday, Septembe The Obseve Officials fo intehall socce, gad football and women's intehall flag football ae still needed. f inteested call the NVA office at The Obseve The Dome uns ae coming! Deadline to sign up fo the Dome uns is tomoow. Teams mauy ente individually o as a whole. Sign up at the dining halls tonight o at the NVA office. - The Obseve The ND-SMC Cycling Club will have daily ides of 15 to 35 miles, weathe pemitting. stating at 4 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Fiday, and at 4: 15 on Tuesday and Thusday fom behind the Administation Building. All ides ae welcome. -The Obseve. Non-Vasity Athletics announces that it is offeing two evening aeobics classes. "Late Night at the Rock" meets evey Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday nights at 10 p.m. at the Rockne Memoial. The othe class meets Tuesday and Thusday nights at 8 p.m. in Gym of the ACC. Registation may be done at the NVA office. A complete listing of aeobics classes may be obtained by calling the NVA office at The Obseve. Penn State's Tlmote Manoa leaves two Boston College Defendes behind as he goes fo exta yadage. Penn St. beat Boston College, 16-14, but fell n the anklngs fom fifth to seventh. The stoy on the latest Associated Pess poll appeas on page tl. Classifieds lht Oh.<l l'l' :o-;olt' l>dmt ol1itt' lo<dlnl on ll<' 1l11d tloo ol.jhoiu<' ~tut.knt ( l'otl'. an t pt' tla"itit ll Jd\l'l"lll~ om<) J m pll..\loll<j\ thou~h l'ndj\ 'l'ht' lll>st t ~Jint \Jn, olti<,. n< Jlnl on 1la 1hd tloo ol lfa~q:a Colk~t C < nt.... ll'll'p' tij"inh lo 1111! ~~~ p m untl ~ p m. \ on dj\ lhou~h!'olla l>t Jdhm lm nv't d.l\ '' ""lin(, " ~ p m \, J"ilin" mu't ht pn paod.t itlll' 111 "on o n 1 hj~,, ll, t'llh p.. hh'l'hj.ll <'" <a\ NOTCES TYPNGWORDPROCESSNG. CALL DOLORES TYPNG AVA~E Wodpoce.. lng eaumea, etc. Typeeet quality Bad & Beak1ast football weekends NO -SMC paents 545 pe night 2 night min. cloh to campus alte 6 p.m. LOST WATCH, VERY SENnMENTAL GOLD (COLOR) CARAVELLE BY BULVA, ENGRAVNG ON BACK: To Steve, love mom and dad, 1:v.!H3 PLEASE CALL STEVE AT 4659 WTH NFORMATON OR CONTACT AT 127 PANGBORN... REWARD OFFERED!!!ll FOUND: CALCULATOR ON THE SHUTTLE FRDAY, CALL ELZABETH TO CLAM. FOR RENT BED 'N BREAKFAST ooms lo paents on football special weekends. Call LOST/FOUND Jl L-_w_A_N_Te_o ~ RREPLACEABLE! LOST MY SET OF SEASON FOOTBALL TCK!TS! LOST ON GREEN FELD OR ON WAY TO THE GAME. CASH REWARD OF FERED. F FOUND CALL KAREN AT OR LOST: Black sweatshit with coloued paint on font. Last - at Alumni Club, Wednesday, Sept. 10. Rewad. Call Malene at MSSNG: DARK BLUE BACKPACK WTH BROWN TRMMNG-EASTMAN. LAST SEEN AT THE NO BOOKSTORE LOBBY TUES SEPT 16. WOULD THE PERSON WHO ACCDENTALLY PCKED T UP PLEASE RETURN T. CALL ANA MARA AT REO JANSPORT BACKPACK,SHARP CALCULATOR,PSYCHOLOOY BOOK, AND STUDENT D. LAST SEEN N THE EMPLOYEE LOCKERS OF NORTH DNNG HALL. F FOUNO PLEASE CALL DAVE AT FOUND: JEAN JACKET AT GAME. PLEASE CALL TO DENnFY. Found: gold bacelet nea lowes on Fiday P.M. Call 3599 to dentify. TX LOST AT MCHGAN GAME. 'D LKE TO CATCH ANOTHER GAME THS SEASON. THEY WERE N SEC TON 32, ROW 35. PLEASE CALL MSSY LOST FRESH WATER PEARL BRACELET NEAR FSHER, MOR RSEY OR LEWS ON SATURDAY PLEASE CALL JENNFER AT REWARD. TYPST$-$500 weekly at home! Wite: P.O. Box 975, Elizabeth, NJ Help wanted pet time. Compute etail stoe. Call Help wanted pat time. Compute etail stoe. Call Ride Needed this weekend to Twin Cltles,MN call Rachael BABYSTTER WANTED HRS. A WK FLEXBLE SK All WNTER! Cystal Mountain s now hiing childen's ski nstuctos lo the winte season. Salay plus oom & boad. Contact Matha Mandel o Dave Hofacke at (616) HELP! MY FREND AND NEED A RDE TO ST. LOUS THE WEEKEND OF OCT. 4 TO LEAVE FR AND RETURN SUN. WLLNG TO SHARE EXPENSES. PLEASE CALL DEBBE AT HELP!!! Need a ide to COLUM BUS,Ohlo &26 o back &28. Despeate. Call Bath 4068 FOR SALE TV RENTALS - LOW SEMESTER RATES. COLLEGATE RENTALS, FORMERLY COLOR CTY FOR SALE One GE Llght'n'Easy Steam and Dy on wllh a full-size, collabslble oning boad, pad, and cove. - $25. Call Kelly Havens at monings and aftenoons Studebake ROCKNE Mint condillon. Call Clay Hamlin USED EQUPMENT FOR SEROUS AUDOPHLES PhaH Llnu Autocoelato (noim eduction lo ell souces)- 5100; Audio PuiH Digital Time Delay (to epoduce concet hell ambience; ncopoate e 25 wa~hennet emp. You aupply eecond pel of apeekes.) - $200; Helle 110 Pump (eudlophlle quality, ack-mountable) Also have ecoda (meny digital and v.t apeed meates) and pe-ecoded classical ceshttes. Call o FOR SALE One King 4B aymphony-quallty tombone with F 811achment - $700 o best seious offe. One Olds teno student tombone- $100. Call Kelly Havens at monings and aftenoons. TCKETS TX WANTED. SEASON OR SNGLE AFTER 5:30. NEED 2 o 3 PURDUE tickets despeately! Call Mike at Need GA'S fo the SMU game.may x3781 HELP! NEED 6 GA'S FOR ETHER AR FORCE OR S.M.U.! CALL X-4605 ASK FOR TOM! Need 1 Pudue lk stud o GA call John at x2990 Help a young,dlstaught student who needs GA TX to PURDUE game. Life hangs n balance DESPERATElY need two Pudue GAs lo paents. Will Pay BG BUCKS. Call Mike at NEED 2GA PTT TCKETS CALL COLLECT Needed: 2 GAs lo Ai Foce. Call x2134. NEED up to 4 PURDUE tickets! GA's o student. Will pay cash$$$! Call PAT (O'Rouke) DAD AND GRANDAD want to see NOTRE DAME beat Ai Foce. NEED two (2) G.A.'s- will pay S's-(cash). CALL TOM NOW, HELP!!!!!!!!! despeately need student o GA tickets fo the PTTSBURGH and PENN STATE games. (Yes, am a PA native!) f you can help, please call Michele at x3566. NEED 4 GA PTT TCKETS. CALL DESPERATELY NEED 4 GA'A FOR PURDUE GAME. CALL M.B. X3029 NEED 3 GA'S FOR PURDUE GAME. CALL CATH AT NEEDED: AR FORCE GA'S , NEED 2 AR FORCE GA'S. CALL SUE Penn Stale Tlx Wanted. SSS Call NEED 6 PURDUE GA TX. FAMLY ARRVES FR. DON'T NEED TX TO BE TOGETHER. PLEASE CALL PAUL 2247 OR 2317 NEEDED:ONE PURDUE TCKET,ANY TYPE,TOP DOLLAR PLUS PLEASE HELP ME.CALL PETE AT AT NGHT OR EARLY MORNNG.PLEASE PLEASE,THANK YOU THANK YOU need two Pudue tickets QUCK! Please call Dave PURDUE AND PTT. STUDENT TX WANTED! CALL "J." at SSSS FOR 3 PURDUE STUDENT TCKS. CALL !1! NEED THREE PURDUE TX-ETHER STUDENT OR GA. CALL DOC Need GA 's lo Pudue and Pitt. Call Help! Need 2 Pudue student o GA tlx. Call Big S NEED 4 GA TX FOR PTT-CALL ANNE AT 2756 NEED MONEY? TRADE $ FOR PURDUE TX. CHRS1736 NEED! 4 GA PURDUE TX RENEE 2930 NEED 2 PTT TX 3364 CALL have 4 PURDUE GA's 4 U! Best offe by Wad 11pm. call Gonzo 3349 HELP! NEED 2 OR 4 GA'S FOR ALL HOME GAMES. WLL PAY CASH! CALL TOM AT HAVE 2 PURDUE GA'S!! WLL EX CHNG FOR 2 PTT OR BEST OFFER. 'S 3887, 3520 NEED 3 STUDENT OR GA'S FOR PURDUE. CALL TOM AT Need 2 GA's lo Pitt. Call Help!Need 3 Pudue Tlx Stud. o GA Call Woody NEED PURDUE GA's NEED 10 PUROUE nx. MOM WLL PAY TOP DOLLAR. CALL NEED PURDUE GAS CALL MKE NEED 1 PURDUE STUDENT TCKET - ELEEN Tlxs needed lo Pm game. Call WLL TRADE TWO GA PTT FOR TWO GA AR FORCE. CALL SHAWN (614) HAVE 2 PURDUE GA'S.BEST OFFER BY FR.CALL MARK 4016 HAVE 2 PTT GA's, NEED 2 PURDUE GA's AND 4 ALABAMA TX. CALL CRUSER AT 1988 OR PAT AT SPENT ALL LAST WEEKEND STUDY NG ORGO & BO-want to get WLD this weekend wflend at PURDUE game. NEED 1 TCKET-ANY PRCE! ANGELA 3435 NEED 10 PTT TXS OR SECURTY BOY, WLL MY BROTHER KLL ME F YOU DON'T GVE ME TXS CALL JOE OR THANKS NEED ONE PURDUE STUDENT TCKET He's coming no matte what, and we don't want to leave a Pudue guy n ou oom without somebody watching him. So please call Max at x1384. NEED GA'S FOR PURDUE. PLEASE CALL ANNETTE NEED 8 GA'S FOR PTT GAME. PLEASE HELP! CALL MARY AT PERSONALS OAR HOUSE: COLD BEER & LQUOR, CAFRY OUT TO 3 A.M. U.S. 31 N., ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF HOLDAY NN. "NOTRE DAME BEACH CLUB" T SHRTS COMNG SOON... EXCELLENT QUALTY COMNG SOON... EXCELLENT QUALTY "NOTRE DAME BEACH CLUB" T SHRTS ONLY $8.00, ONLY $8.00, ONLY $8.00 ONLY $8.00, ONLY $8.00, ONLY $8.00 "NOTRE DAME BEACH CLUB" T-SHRTS "NOTRE DAME BEACH CLUB" T-SHRTS PURDUE!! PARENTS ARE COMNG. DESPERATELY NEED TWO G.A.'S. CALL JOHN SCHOEN AT PURDUE!! Hungy? Cell THE YELLOW SUB MARNE at 272-HKE. Delivey houa: Mondey -Thusday 5pm-12am; Fiday 5pm-2am; Satuday 5pm-1am; Sunday 4pm-10pm. Geg-Feeling chilly? Want something to keep you wam? You'e still not going to get. Don't settle lo some fool with his steeo to handle the music at you next dance. We'e pofessionals. And we'e the lagest ndependent DJ business on campus. THE ONLY DJs THAT MATTER!! Pat o Don The authos ol the "hilaious guide fo the faithful, fallen, and the lnbetween"growng UP CATHOLC" will be at O'LAUGHLN AUD. WED. SEPT 24 8PM-ALL WELCOME!! WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP, THURSDAYS, 3:30-5 P.M., UNVER STY COUNSELNG CENTER. CALL FOR NFORMATON. _ Dea secet admie, thanks lo the daisies and lhe aousing cad. Please dentity youself so that we can both get "hot" togethe. Kenny B. of 142 Keenan To ,....._._...,... HAPPY llm'hda Y, ANNE.. 1 ou tole - HAPPY llmtday, ANNE..._..._.~. The authos of the "hilaious guide fo the faithful, fallen, and the nbetween ''GROWNG UP CATHOLC" will be at O'LAUGHLN AUD. WED. SEPT 24 8PM-ALL WELCOME HAPPY 20TH BRTHDAY, JOAN MOR RS!! LOVE VA, ANNE Theo majos and othe nteested students: Do not miss the nfomal discussion with Fathe Butcheell tomoow, Septembe 24 at 9:45 PM n 341 O'Shaughnessy. TO HS COY MSTRESS: US mala lime and place lo Thus-no moe pesonals! A BG DATNG GAME KSS FOR THERESA BARNHART!!!! HAPPY NA NA-NA-NA-NNETEENTH!!!! LOVE THE REST OF THE FUN BUNCH CHRS, TANYA, MEG, AND HED

11 ~ --~- 1be Obseve ish split end Milt Jackson pepaes to make a move afte making a eception in the Michigan State game. Rick Rietbock takes a look at this talented senio in his stoy at ight. Tuesday, Septembe 23, page 11 ish split end Jackson makes tansitions By RCK RETBROCK Spots Wite Once again Note Dame fans ae getting used to seeing Milt Jackson hauling in passes. The senio split end missed all of last season because of an illness that among othe things, caused a big weight loss. t has not been easy to talk about his comeback because it seems as if he neve left. Receives Coach Pete Codelli attibutes Jackson's quick etun to his chaacte. "Milt Jackson is a geat peson," he says. "He gives total efot at all times and takes temendous pide in what he does. "He's well-espected by his teammates and he is a eal leade." Those who emembe Jackson think of his quickness and outstanding hands. That combination enabled him to be the second-leading ish eceive in 1984 with 28 eceptions and fou touchdowns. But this yea-long layoff had to hut Jackson, ight? Wong says Codelli, and wong again says Jackson. "''m petty satisfied with my pogess this yea," he says. " think 'm actually a little faste and just as stong so feel vey comfotable on the field again. When Jackson was suffeing fom the illness, howeve, he was not feeling so comfotable. But instead of woying about the season he was missing. Jackson used the time to exploe othe aeas. " didn't woy about the game itself," he says. " took time to oganize the est of my life by pepaing to ente one of the Big 8 accounting fims." While Jackson was away, Note Dame changed its coaching staff and its outlook, which he says has been his biggest adjustment. "Coach Holtz is had man to wok fo," the soft-spoken senio says. "f we don't do something ight, we'll do it again until we have it ight. "Unde the othe staff, we would take it in and wok on it the next day. This yea we'll stay out until Coach Holtz is satisfied." Obviously Jackson has made the tansition quite successfully. He has five eceptions fo 58 yads so fa this season. Anothe tansition Jackson has made successfully is the switch fom young upstat to sage vetean. He says he has tied to be a positive influence on the younge playes. " like to lead by example as much as possible," he says. "Coach Codelli has told me that the younge playes espect me and eally look up to me, so ty to use my expeience to help them. " don't like to amble on and tell them what to do, but do ty to elate some of my past expeiences to give them an idea what to expect. "''ve been though it," he continues. " can use my successes and poblems to tell them how to handle situations. Next yea, Jackson will be on new tuf once again. The futue holds seveal diffeent possibilities fo him, including a possible pofessional caee. "The pos is anothe step up the ladde and, natually 'd like to give it a shot," he says. "But came hee fo an education fist and football second, so 'm pepaed fo anything. "''m cuently inteviewing fo seveal Big Eight fims and a numbe of smalle ndusties in case a po caee does not wok out." While Jackson is quick on the field, he likes to slow down when he is off it. " like to elax by just being with people," he says. " also swim evey moning which is vey elaxing." ish fans, on the othe hand, have found Jackson's pesence on the field vey elaxing. SMC nettes finish thid at Dl. touney By DERDRE FNN Spots Wite The Saint May's volleyball team placed thid at the llinois Benedictine College nvitational this weekend, a substantial impovement ove last yea's fifteenth place showing. "The invitational was a good expeience," said Belles assistant coach Sue Medley said. "t gave the team a lot of play in a shot amount of time and exposed them to a vaiety of offenses." The Belles won five conse~tive matches befoe losing to St. Xavie College, 15-9, 13 15, and 13-15, in a semi-final match. The best match of the invitational was against St. Fances College. The Belles came fom behind in two of the thee games to win the oveall match, 15-, 7-15 and The Belles was the only one to win against the fist place team, llinois Benedictine College, 15-8, 15-9 and 15-. Medley expessed he enthusiasm about the outcome of the tounament. "Coach Lampet and wee vey impessed by the pefomance of the team. They play vey well togethe." n he fist match of the season, senio Julie Schoede gave an exceptionally stong pefomance. Sophomoe Magaet Feldman played consistently well thoughout the day's matches also. The Belles next game will be against Goshen College on Sept. 25 at 6:00p.m.

12 l - ~.~ ~ The Obseve Tuesday, Septembe23, page 12 The ND Wate Polo Club wins with style To be successful in toumanent play, a team usually has to follow thee impotant ules. The men's wate polo club boke evey single one, but the ish still won two of thee matches in the ndiana Wate Polo Tounament last weekend at Bloomington. Rule One: Always pactice as much as possible befoe enteing competition. Actually, the team had been pacticing in the wate fo only fou o five days pio to the tounament. Rule Two: Always make sue to bing you coach to the tounament. Head Coach Geg Lambet who is also an assistant coach to the Note Dame men's and women's swim teams, had to stay at Note Dame to watch swim tyouts while the ish left fo Bloomington. Rule Thee: Always win the fist game of the tounament. Note Dame lost a tough opening game to host school ndiana, 12-11, in ovetime Fiday. The ish then bounced back to beat Missoui, 10-8, Satuday moning, and Michigan, 1-7, Satuday aftenoon. "We have about five etuning states, so when we wee in the wate eveything clicked," said Club Vice Pesident Steve Coffey. "The new playes played eally well, and we played good defense." Goalie Matt Behm was named the toumanent's most valuable playe, and Steve Gunthe and Maty Watts led the ish in scoing. The club plays at Chicago this weekend in a toun- ament that will include Loyola and Nothwesten. This pastweekend the Rugby Club membes found out what a diffeence a week could make. Afte getting shut out by Michigan 26-0 in thei season opene Septembe 13, the ish hijacked the Dayton Flyes, 22-4, last Satuday. Sean Evans scoed 12 points on penalty kicks, Phil Sheidan added fou points with a ty, and Andy Shea played a solid game at second ow. "We'e stating to come togethe. We looked a lot Steve Megagee Club Cone bette than last week," said Club Pesident Quentin Williams. "Dayton's not a bad team. They had 75 guys out thee." Fo compaison, the ish have just ove 40 playes. Note Dame's B side edged Dayton's by a scoe of 4-3. This weekend, the ish will be seeded fist in the ndiana-kentucky Tounament a touney that will include seven collegiate teams and seven men's clubs. Also looking fowad to tounament action is the Rowing Club. The vasity men's team will take two eights and two fous to the Head of the Des Moines in Des Moines, owa, while the vasity women's team will bing two eights and one fou. Duing the last two yeas, the men's club has done well enough in Des Moines to ean the Well ness Cup, an awad given to the boat that ows the fastest time ove the couse of any events. "Des Moines is a good wamup fo us. When we go up to Ontaio (Octobe 4), we un into tough competition with Canadian univesities and clubs," said Club Pesident Joe Bunetti. The women's team, which has enjoyed simila success at Des Moines, has a familia face as its new coach. Head Coach Clete Gaham is a gaduate of Note Dame, and he coached the ish to two consecutive Midwest Rowing championships in the 1970's befoe leaving tempoaily. Afte stating the season at 1-3 with a seies of 2- games, the Women's Socce Club has won two staight games, including a 5-0 out of the Univesity of Chicago at Stepan Field last Sunday. Jane Titteton scoed two goals fo the ish, and goalkeepe Cathy Dominick ecoded the shutout. With a 3-3 ecod, Note Dame aleady has as many victoies as in last yea's 3-7 campaign. Poll sets stage fo No. 1 Oklahoma vesus No. 2 Miami Associated Pess Note Dame may have displaced Michigan State in the ankings last week, but this week the Spatans eaned that anking back. Michigan State, which began the season as the No. 20 team but dopped out last week afte losing to Aizona State, etuned as No. 19 afte beating Note Dame. Also in the Associated Pess poll, the 2 st meeting between the nation's No. and No. 2 college football teams is on tap fo Satuday when Oklahoma visits Miami. That was assued Monday when the Soones and Huicanes emained 1-2 fo the thid consecutive week. Oklahoma, 2-0, hammeed Minnesota, 6.3-0, last Satuday and eceived 55 of 59 fist-place votes and, 175 of a possible, 180 points fom a nationwide panel of spots wites and spotscastes. Miami,.3-0, was idle. The Huicanes eceived one fist-place ballot and, 104 points. Meanwhile, Alabama and Nebaska moved up to the No. 3 and No. 4 spots, while Michigan and Penn State slipped a few ish continued fom page 16 Kent State team which featued a geat deal of depth and expeience. "Oveall we played much bette in the game on Satuday," said Lindenfeld. "The gils neve gave up." Lindenfeld plans on woking on dives. deally they should be shap passes and kept on the gound. Howeve, the team has not been getting enough powe in them, esulting in deflections by the defense. Lindenfeld also noted that sophomoe Leslie Lawence played vey well, and she continued to paise the play of junio goalie M.J. Beetel. Beetel was impessive in goal. collecting a total of 32 saves despite vey ough field conditions. The ish will be looking fo a victoy this Fiday when they will take on the visiting Boilemakes fom Pudue at Catie Field. places despite victoies. Southen Califonia, Mayland and owa made the Top Twenty fo the fist time this season and Note Dame dopped out along with Bigham Young, Floida and Geogia. Alabama defeated Floida, 2-7, and moved up fom fouth place to thid with points. Nebaska, a winne ove llinois, jumped fom sixth to fouth with one fist-place vote and 954 points. Michigan, a 40-point favoite ove Oegon State, slipped fom thid to fifth with 946 points afte downing the Beaves Washington pounded Bigham Young and ose fom seventh to sixth with one fistplace vote and 903 points. The emaining fist-place ballot went to Penn State, which defeated Boston College but fell fom fifth to seventh with 878 points. LSU and Baylo, the 8-9 teams last week, both lost and dopped into the Second Ten. Aubun climbed fom Oth to eighth with 722 points afte touncing East Caolina, 45-0, and Akansas went fom 12th to ninth with 639 points bv defeatina Tulsa Rounding out the Top Ten is Aizona, a 41 ~17 victo ove Oegon. The Wildcats, No. 17 a week ago, eceived 583 points. The Second Ten consists of Aizona State, Southen Cal. Mayland, Texas A&'M, owa, UCLA, baylo, LSU, Michigan State and Floida State. Last week, it~ was BYU, Akansas, Floida, Geogia, Floida State, Texas A&'M, Aizona, Aizona State, UCLA and Note Dame. Geogia lost to Clemson and Note Dame bowed to Michigan State Meanwhile, Southen Cal upset Baylo 17 14, Mayland whipped West Viginia 24-3 and owa cushed Nothen llinois Beas ovepowe Geen Bay, Associated Pess GREEN BAY, Wis. Steve McMichael was cedited with a safety in the fouth quate and Kevin Butle kicked thee field goals as the Chicago Beas won a hadfought NFL victoy last night ove the outmanned Geen Bay Packes. The Beas, 3-0, scoed 15 points in the final quate to defeat the Packes, 0-3, fo the 71 st time in the 132nd enewal of po football's oldest ivaly. Thee have been six ties. FAR Geen Bay's A Del Geco, who booted fou field goals in the game, lined up fo a 52-yad attempt with 8: 16 left in the game and the Beas leading But Dan Hampton boke though to block the kick and potect the Bea lead. The Packes got the ball back when defensive back Tom Flynn picked off a Steve Fulle pass with 5:21 left in the game, but Geen Bay was foced to stat fom its own 6-yad-line. On the fist play, McMichael caught Packes quateback Randy Wight in the end zone. Wight escaped fom McMichael's gasp, but the officials uled that the quateback had been in the defende's gasp. Not only did Geen Bay fall behind but the Packes had to kick the ball to the Beas. Thee plays afte the fee kick, quateback Steve Fulle connected with Keith Otego on a 42-yad pass play to give the Beas a lead wit.h 3:38 emaining in the game. On the Packes' next possession, Beas safety Dave Dueson NDUSTRY DAY '86 Septembe 24, 1986 MXER 9:00am - 4:00pm 1st floo concouse of Fitzpatick Hall DNNER Make contacts fo futue employment Lean moe about engineeing as a caee Bing esumes * Summe job oppotunities fo undeclassmen 6:00-6:30pm Concouse of A.C C. 23 companies attending. picked off a Wight pass, setting up Butle's thid field goal, a 27- yade with 2:25 emaining. Pio to Del Geco's ill-fated field goal attempt the officials had awaded Chicago coneback Mike Richadson a fumble ecovey. But afte viewing television eplays, it was detemined that wide eceive Walte Stanley neve had possession of the ball. The incomplete pass made it fouth-and-5, and Del Geco came on. 6:30-9:30pm Mono am Room of A. C. C.

13 --.. ~-~ ~~~--w~<-~a =------~-~-----~ o UP eo a casu The Obseve Tuesday, Septembe 23, page 13 l l Compute Science & MS Students SHARE THE NSPRATON. l~ he ush of adenaline. The suge of excitement. The flash of inspiation. Familia feelings to talented DP pofessionals at The Taveles. And to the pomising gaduates who'll join us this yea. You've discoveed these feelings in you academic wok. Recognized them in the elegance of advanced technology. And now you can shae in them at The Taveles, whee the suppot is stonge, the envionn1ent moe sophisticated and the applications moe challenging. As a distinguished Compute Science o MS gaduate, you now have.a difficult decision to make about you futue. That's why we ceated ACCENT. A fast-paced, competitive pogam. - Offeing technical and management taining though a divese ange of assignments leading to key pofessional positions. All in one of the most advanced DP envionments in the financial sevices industy- including the lagest MS shop, 18 BM mainfames and a 36,000 teminal SNA netwok. But ou commitment to staying on the cutting edge of DP technology doesn't stop thee. We've ecently installed 13,000 BM PCs, integated the latest 4th geneation languages, and we'e developing ou futue leades with ACCENT. f you have a degee in compute science, MS o a elated discipline, high academic achievement, exposue to had wae and. softwae,. and some pogamming expenence, you have the ight cedentials fo ACCENT. f you'e a highlymotivated peson, an independent woke, and an innovative thinke, you have the ight chemisty fo ACCENT. Now make the ight move. To The Taveles ACCENT pogam. Whee you'll find vaied and valuable leaning expeiences. A suppotive human envionment and a sophisticated technical one. And whee you'll find plenty of oppotunities to help move you ahead. You'll also eceive a competitive salay, complete benefits and even an BM PC AT to take home with you. Plus geneous elocation assistance to ou Hatfod, Connecticut home office. So, if you'e a bight and talented compute-oiented n1ajo, join The Taveles. Whee the accent is on you and the inspiation is shaed by all. Find out moe about signing up fo The Taveles inteview schedule. Recuites will be on campus Fiday, Octobe 10. O, send you esume to: Piscilla Pellett, 30-CR, The Taveles Companies, One Towe Squae, Hatfod, CT Data Pocessing fo Dedicated People. The Tavele~ j l j l l 1 l l lj i j ' l j The Taveles Companies, Hatfod, Connecticut An Equal Oppotunity Employe.

14 P""""""-~ , ~ ~------~ The Obseve Tuesday, Septembe 23, page 14 Women's football entes new season By FRANK HUEMMER Spots Wite Women's intehall football began this past weekend with a limited slate of action. And just as the fans await the dawn of a new ea unde Coach Holtz. women's inte- hall football fans eagely await a new champion. Faley Hall has dominated the gidion fo the past five yeas. but they could be challenged this yea by Been-Phillips and Pasqueilla East. This weekend poved the competition would be eady and would be tying vey had to upend the defending champs. Flashes of lightning filled the sky as Faley and P.E. played in a ematch of last yea's championship game. The game. SMC socce loses two on tle oad 4t'By JANE SM[A Spots Wite Saint May's socce team two away gam~this weekend both ended in de(eat. binging the team ecod to 2-5. Satuday the Belles took on Quincy College and lost..3-. Sunday, Lindenwood Colleg bounced the Belles The past Wednesday the Belles lost to Michigan State by a scoe of 8-1. The team's only goal was scoed in the last fifteen minutes of the ga~ by senio captain May Anne Pei. "The Michigan defense put a lot of pessue on us," said Belles coach John Akes. "but we did not give up." The last time the Belles expeienced a victoy was a week ago Fiday when they defeated Note Dame in an exiting ovetime victoy. The fist goal was scoed by sophomoe, Ellen Boyle and the game winning one was made by feshman, Molly Meehan. n the lost to Quincy the one goal scoed was shot in by Pei duing the fist half. The Belles had the lead thoughout the fist half, but wee unable to stop Quincy in the second half. "We could not maintain ou lead," said Akes. "afte the eigth hou bus tip." Accoding to Akes anothe negative facto was "the lage. unfiendly cowd we played fo." Sunday's game did not offe much elief fo the Belles because they had to play on asta tuf, a suface which the team had neve played upon. n addition the tempeatue on the field was ove 00 degees. The Sain~ May's team played had despite all the opposing factos. The feshmen playes added much to the game especially Celeste Aquino. Nancy Haske, Coleen Keefe,Caoline Knoll, Molly Meehan and Kathy Revane. "(Junio goaltende) Patti Hatfield had two good games," said Akes. Even though the Belles lost both away games the tip was a good expeience fo them and will help them in the futue. Making Saint May's bus ide home even longe was a nat tie they had in Joilet.lllinois. The team's aival home was delayed until 6:.30 A.M. Monday moning. The Belles play again on Satuday at home against Pudue. Hopefully the team can "put things togethe" said Akes duing the week. stopped with 6:42 emaining due to the ~eathe, had P. E. supplying all the thunde as they wee leading The final 6:42 will be played at a late date. Pasqueilla East stuck fist as its high-poweed offense took chage with a.30 yad pass fom quateback Colleen Donnelly to unning back Annie Schenk. With the ball on Faley's five-yad line, Colleen O'Conno aced five-yads fo the touchdown and Colleen Donnelly olled in fo the two-point convesion, giving P. E. a quick 8-0 lead. A dizzle began at the stat of the second half, with P. E clinging to the 8-0 lead. Howeve, Faley took the opening kickoff fom the 45-yad line and punched it in fo six. The touchdown came on a big 2 1-yad un by Sue Schwaz. closing the gap to 8-6. The twopoint convesion pass fom Mailu Almeida was incomplete, keeping P.E. in the lead. Pasqueilla East came ight back with Donnelly and O'Conno hooking up on a.34 yad stike, giving P. E. a 14-6 advantage. Then Mothe Natue took ove whee P. E. left off by putting on a geat lightning display that filled the skies and halted the action. " was vey happy." said P. E. head coach Jeff Mogan. " wasn't sue how we would do because we had a lot of fist yea playes. But we ae looking fowad to a geat yea." Faley coach Phil Kalamaos, who has diected Faley to thee championships. and coaches The Obseve is accepting applications fo the following positions: Copy Edito Day Edito Appllcadoasae due by Fiday, Sept 26. aqullelsboulcl be made to Tipp Baltz o Mak Pankowski CaD o come up to Tile Obseve's new offices on tbe tbinl Doo of tbe LaFotune Student Cente. Eas Books 1027 E. Wayne Tues - Sun, noon o 6 1 block south of Jeffeson & Eddy UMtl A - of p... t boob!--.. t. -ld,...:lied D D ND Appael Headquates 15% OFF EVERYTHNG N STORE! except sweats Complete outfitte fo intamual spots FOOTBALL AND SOCCER SHOES NKE & ADDAS NKE Open Field (white) $25.00 All CONVERSE Basketball shoes $15.99 (except tlae..,eapoa) Mon-Fi 10-6 Sat 10-5 S 238 Edison Road (acoss fom King's ) COMNG!~ SPRNG. BREAK.. /.l,~ ~~w DOTALU ~ J Condition n Booth TanlnBeda 0 Relax on Massage Bed Call ~ J.M.S. PlAZA 4609 Gape Road Mishawaka Dave Haimes. Fank Paigi. and Steve Auebach feel that they will bounce back and be head fom in the end. n othe intehall action, Badin and Walsh both wee handed losses because thei insuance was not tuned in to the NVA office on time. Meanwhile, Been Phillips ecoded a 14-0 shutout ove P.W. "Ou execution today was bette than in any pactice we've had. and defensively we shut them down," said B.P. head coach Dan DeBoe. "We have a definite chance at the championship." Thee will be plenty of exciting women's intehall action in the emainde of the season, especially with the thee-way battle fo the league cown. Badley continued fom page 16 and Note Dame was hut thoughout the tounament by the limited play of sophomoe middle blocke May Kay Walle. who saw little action due to illness. "t's difficult to eplace someone who hit fo a. 700 (kill) pecentage against Westen Michigan." said Lambet. "But we moved Maueen Shea to the middle and she did vey well." The ish also wee led by sophomoe middle blocke Zanette Bennett. who posted 2 kills against Kansas and 22 kills against Badley. ae..,.lldng diatance fon canpu. Call/o an appointment f you can-but..,.u. na ae elcone. Open euenfng tu 7:30 THE VARSJn' SHOP dfaon Road at ltf-j'h 11-7:!10: Fl 11-6: S.t ~-.,.,~~l DUN & BRADSTREET~ Copoation will pesent an infomal pesentation Wed., Sept. 24 7pm-9pm Uppe Lounge of Univesity Club All students invited All majos and undegads Reception to follow Refeshments to be seued

15 'J[' 4(Jt~4tll~ a y,s e p e m b e.2.3, P.~.e.l-5 Bloom County Beke Beathed The Fa Side Gay Lason BtU WE ClT W/15 H/11/NG S()11 WHE?E N 11{6 elli~f? SMOKNG CGKeffL \ 10\ ~ Synd!Gite Poteins Amin 0. Assydz q,z.3 "Well, wouldn't you know it - we've come all this way to ou favoite beach and someone's stung chicken wie aound it." Campus The Daily Cosswod 12:00 p.m.: Kellogg nstitute Bown Bag Semina, 131 Decio Hall 3:00 p.m.: Vasity tennis, SMC vs. St. Fancis College. SMC tennis cts 3:30-5:00 p.m.: Compute Minicouses, Lotus , Pat. 08 Computing Cente. And JCL tjob Contol Language), Pat. 15 Computing Cente. To egiste, call Betty at :30p.m.: Chemical Engineeit]g Gaduate Semina, "'Optimal Catalyst Activity Pofiles in Pellets; Single Pellet Theoy and Expeiments, 356 itzpatick Hall 4:30-6:00 p.m.: Lectue, '"fanz Kafka and His Metamophosis,.. Libay Loun~e 7:00 p.m.: Meeting. Note Dame-SMC Young Democats, Niewland Science 7:00p.m.: Pesentation. "Pofessional Liability", 303 Cushing. sponsoed by The Ameican Society of Civil Enginees 7:00p.m.: ND-SMC Balloom Dance Club, fist class, Stepan Cente 7:00 p.m.: Meeting. Anthopolo~y Club, 104 O'Shaughnessy 7:30p.m.: Film, 'They Don't Wea Black Tie," Kellogg nstitute Dept. of Anthopology, and the Dept. of Communication and Theate Latin Ameican Film Seies, 1981, colo. 120 minutes, Annenbeg Auditoium 8:00 p.m.: Meeting. Concession stand oganization fo stand wokes, home of Pof. Rathbun ACROSS 1 Upon 5 Nothen Euopean 9 Become eudite 14 Mesa's kin 15 Samoan pot 16 Tufdom's Acao 17 Andeson of TV 18 Bande's tool 19 Win by- 20 Tightwad 22 Risked 23 Asian weight 24 Fuss 26 Pinte's measues 27 Unsteady 30 Musical signs 32 Met ventue 33 Haido 36 Wods fo Butus 37 Shee 38 Lamb owne 40 Old Roman coin 42 Happy expession 43 Moo 44 Glove mateials 45 Lake vessel: abb. 48 Slip 49 Cystal ball gaze 50 Comfote 52 Without a will 57 Excessive 58 Potal 59 Vesatile Novello 60 Nose sea god 61 Skit inset 62 Philippine Moslem 63 Hai 64 - out (made do) 65 Woolly ceatues DOWN 1 "-Well That Ends... " 2 Pilfeed 3 Atlanta aena 4 Atist's need 5 Showbiz Peal 6 Sping month 7 "The- in Winte" 8 Tease 9 Begin 10 Ms. Millay 11 Woship 12 Up 13 Requies 21 FOR's pet 25 Resist boldly 27- is me! 28 Chooses 29- noie 30 Analyst's fixtue 31 "Pogy and Bess" classic 33 Bullet 34 ncusion 35 A Gadne 37 Equipment 39 Cetainly! 1986 Tibune Media Sevices, nc. All Rights Reseved 41 Seesaws 42 Takes to cout 44 Become fuious 45 Couch 46 Piano man 47 Cliff pojection 49 Empoium 51 Apaicio o nant 53 Canny 54 Declae 55 Laceated 56 Cupid 9/23/86 Yesteday's Puzzle Solved APED-PLATAMASS M E R E E Y R E G U S T 0 T A G R,~ E N T E R EDL PENDANT N N E.G 0 L D A- P E N T A G 0 N. C A N A P E S L Elf T PU L.EM R A S p. E R A. AD 0.1 N A L A R. E L A M. M AG US MElLE El.l. PE N E --E XL[ R T. A L L P E N N A fif. S P E E DS D E A Ll P E N E~ RAT E ED~T ODOR GLEN RANTS TOWY YEWS sab pesents._ Ambassado Romaald Spasowski ~Libeation of One: A Jouney to Feedom' Tuesday, Sept. 30 at 8:00pm Washington Hall.. Reseved seats $1.00 available Wednesday, Sept. 24 to Tuesday, Sept L

16 SRots Note Dame takes 2nd place in weekend Badley touney By BRAN O'GARA Spots Wite The Note Dame volleyball team placed second this weekend in the Badley Tounament in Peoia, ll., and etuned home with an oveall ecod of 7-4. The ish have now competed in thee tounaments in as many weekends, winning the Rice (Houston, Tex.) Tounament last weekend and finishing second in the Hoosie Classic two weeks ago. "We ae coming along vey well," said Note Dame head coach At Lambet. whose team is now at what he tems the heat of the season. Beginning with Wednesday's home match against Bowling Geen, the ish now face a tough 2 1-game schedule of dual matches leading up to postseason play in Novembe. Note Dame opened this weekend's Badley Tounament on Fiday evening against Butle. The two teams battled to a 2-2 tie in games befoe the ish took command and blisteed Butle, 15-3, in the decisive Fifth game. Next up fo the ish was ho~t Badley, fom which Note Dame took a quick two game lead, and Although Lambet's squad then dopped game thee, 13-15, it shook off the loss and ediscoveed its seving and passing games to defeat the Baves, 15-8, and take the fouth game. Satuday moning bought the ish thei stiffest competition of the weekend, the Kansas Jayhawks. The two teams matched each othe point-fopoint in game one, but in the end the Jayhawks pevailed by a slim magin, Note Dame came back to take the second game, 5-0, but dopped the thid game by an 1-15 scoe. With thei backs to the wall, howeve, the ish put foth thei best effot of the tounament to defeat Kansas handily, The two teams then pepaed to do battle fo the game which would detemine the touney champion. The ish and Jayhawks battled back and foth, altenating the lead in damatic fashion. Kansas pulled ahead late, howeve, and held on to defeat Note Dame, "The match with Kansas was a toss-up," said Lambet. "f we played them late in the season with a little moe expeience behind us, 'm sue we'd do much bette." Kansas thew the ish off a numbe of times with a combination of lips and kills at the net hitting aound the ish. "We block elatively well but we've got to wok on adjusting to the off-speed stuff," said Lambet. "When teams lean that they can't hit though us, they'e hitting ove and aound us." n the final game of the weekend fo the ish, they easily defeated 51. Louis, , see BRADLEY, page 14 Tuesday, Septembe 23, page 16 Note Dame outside hitte Kathy Bake goes fo the kill in a game ealie this season. The volleyball team placed second in the Badley Tounament this past weekend. Bian O'Gaa has details in his stoy at left. Pangbon beats Alumni in ntehall football league upset By KEVN MCCORMACK Spots Wite The much anticipated men's lntehall football season began this Sunday with a full display of had-nosed defensive pefomances. When Sunday's action was ove, lntehall commissione Jim Mooe said he had expected the games to be low-scoing acoss the boad. "Usually, the highe scoing (games) come late in the season, said Mooe. "The defense is stong ealie in the season because of the fact that the guys ae still getting into shape. Howeve, thee wee enough highlights among the games that the season will be tight and exciting season." Highligting the action of the day was the contest between Pangbon, a ecent newcome in the Leahy Division, and Alunwi, the defending lntehall champion. To eveyone's supise, Pangbon won in an upset 9-7. Relying on a stong passing attack and a stingy defense, Pangbon jumped out to a 3-0 lead at the end of the fist half on a 41-yad field goal by Jeff Lauensen. The "Violence", as they ae nicknamed, then continued thei big-play passing attack with senio Tom Halpin completing a long pass to junio Rob Kassle at the one-yad line. Pangbon then scoed on a one-yad pass fom the same combination of Halpin to Kassle. A late 60-yad pass fom Alumni's feshman quateback Tom Kebs to senio Bill Kelly closed the gap to 9-7, but as the saying goes, to little, too late. '''m vey glad we won," said Pangbon head coach Dan Sheman. "But we couldn't estsablish a consistent unning game. Anothe poblem is that we had some key injuies as well. That will be a poblem because of the limited size of the team." Disguntled Alumni coach Paul Laughlin had nothing but paise fo Pangbon and expessed befuddlement about his own ball club. " don't know if it was Pangbon's offense o ou defense that detemined the victoy," said Laugl1lin. "We just didn't have the quickness today that we needed. Howeve, 'm not supised by Pangbon's stong pefomance. The) 'e a good team." n othe Leahy division action, Stanfod defeated Holy Coss, 7-6, while Zahm defeated Cavanaugh, 6-0. n Paseghian division action, the Dillon Big Red got a stong late-game dive fo a touchdown to defeat Flanne, 7-6. n a game maked by fist-half penalties and mistakes, Flanne was able to capitalize ealy when it found the end zone on a seven yad un. Howeve, the missed convesion poved costly. Afte finally putting togethe a sustained dive, Dillon scoed late in the game on a thee-yad un by Joel Soltis, and made the convesion to peseve victoy. Paticulaly stong on the dive ~o~. ee quateback Pat Maget and end!~ill O'Neill, who combined on two big passes. Coach Chalie Rice of Dillon did not appea to be too l1appy with his team's pefomance, howeve. "We killed ouselves with mistakes and ou defense held a let down as well... l1e said. "The positive side of the game was that we won and that will help us in the futue." Othe scoes in the Paseghian division wee all lies. Off C:~mpu~ mc~lched Keenan, 7-7. while Gace combined ~o~.ith 1'1oisscy fo a 6-6 scoe. n the Rockne eli\ is ion, it 11- as St. t:d s C)\'e Caoll. H-6, ~o~. hile Soin defeated Howad, n that ~~ame. the Ottes' Pat Kennedy scoed on un~ of 0 and 17 y;mh in the fist and fouth quate~. especti\'cf}. Tlw fist was set up by c1 Mike Jeffies inteception. Soin Coach l'like Scotty, ot)\ iously ca_utious about his team's ealy tcclm pefonnance. was nonetheless happy about the victoy. "t's e<~lly tough to s<~y say afte one game." he said. "Kul yeah, v.ds pleased ~o~. ith winning. A ne~o~. cmne to the Rockne di\ i~ion and to intehall football, islle, had a bye this week. ND loses twice. - n away games By MOLLY MAHONEY Spoh WitC' Dillon football's punt team watches the ball bounce afte a Flanne punt etune decided to let it oll. Dillon beat Flanne, 7-6, on the opening weekend of the lntehall football season. Kevin McComack has details in his stoy above. The Note Dame field hockey team took to the oad this weekend and, unfotunately, eceieved vey little hospitality fom thei hosts. The ish dopped the fist ~~ame to Ohio Univesity 2-0 on t"iclay and lost a had fought battle with Kent State Univesity 011 Satuday 6-2. The lopsided scoe of Satuday's ~ame against Kent State is deceiving in that it was the best of the two games played by the ish. Although down 3-0 at half time and then 4-0 soon afte the stat of the second half, the ish, led by the fine offensive and defensive play of junio Kenet Dclky, mounted a poweful comeback. Six minutes into the second half, senio Meg McGlinn took a Delky pass and sliced it pass the Kent State defendes to put Note Dame on the scoeboad. The ish scoed 17 minutes late when junio Janet Kudnick boke though the defense fo an unassisted goal. Though outshot 22-0 fo the game, Note Dame fought back to fie eight shots on goal in the second half to Kent State's nine. Despite the loss, Head Coach Jill<lcnfeld was poud that he team did not back down fom the see RSH, page l2

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